E.U. Constitution Approved; Putin Warned Bush Of Iraq's Post 9/11 Planned Terror Attacks On U.S.

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June 18, 2004

Highlights Of Proposed New EU Constitution
19/06/2004 Here are the main innovations foreseen by the European Union's first-ever constitution, on which the expanding bloc finally agreed at a two-day summit which ended Friday.

Chairman Hails Constitution As 'Win-Win' Success
18/06/2004 A relieved Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern, the European Union's current chairman, late Friday hailed a newly agreed constitution as a "win-win" success for all 25 nations of the bloc.

EU Urges Israel, Palestinians To Comply With Roadmap
18/06/2004 The EU urged Israel Friday to stop demolition in Palestinian territories and halt the construction of its disputed security barrier while calling on the Palestinians to do more to combat terrorism.

Putin: Russia Gave Bush Iraq Intelligence
ASTANA, Kazakhstan - Russia gave the Bush administration intelligence after the September 11 attacks that suggested Saddam Hussein (news - web sites)'s regime in Iraq (news - web sites) was preparing attacks in the United States, President Vladimir Putin (news - web sites) said Friday.

Thanks To Tony Blair's Powers Of Persuasion He Won The Most
"Blair bags us the best Euro deal," said its headline. "No one country got everything it wanted, but Britain got more than most."

"Thanks to Tony Blair's powers of persuasion he not only won most of what he wanted but managed to strike a sensible deal with our neighbours," the newspaper said.

Withdrawal Timetable Moved Up; Forced Expulsion By December
For as yet unexplained reasons, the timetable for the evacuation and expulsion of Gaza's Jews has been moved up, and is now scheduled to be completed by the end of this year.

UPDATE: No Christianity In New E.U. Constitution...
BRUSSELS, June 15 (UPI) -- The European Union has rejected the requests of some member nations to recognize Christianity in its new constitution.

Seven nations, including Italy, Poland and the Czech Republic, urged the EU to refer to the "Christian roots of Europe" and explicitly mention Christianity and God in the constitution currently being drafted. The Vatican also made clear it wants a reference to Christianity in the Constitution.

However, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency Tuesday reported Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern decided not to recommend the Christian reference on Monday.

White House Anger After Time Magazine Details Location Of Cheney's 'Secret Bunker'...
Top White House officials expressed anger after TIME magazine detailed the location of Vice President Dick Cheney's secret bunker, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

In new editions, TIME revealed "Site R," an underground bunker on the Maryland-Pennsylvania border where the Vice President spent much of his time in 2001.

Iran's Defense Industry Used For Nukes
NICOSIA [MENL] -- Iran's defense industry has been employed to produce components for the nation's nuclear weapons program.

For the first time, Iranian officials outlined the role of Teheran's state-owned defense industry in manufacturing centrifuges for uranium enrichment. The enrichment of uranium is regarded as a key element in the production of nuclear weapons.

Mubarak Seen As Increasingly Weak: Said To Be Hospitalized In Critical Condition 
CAIRO [MENL] -- President Hosni Mubarak has been forced to cancel diplomatic meetings because of increasing weakness.

Mubarak canceled meetings on Wednesday and Thursday in his presidential palace in Cairo without explanation. They included the scrapping of two scheduled sessions with visiting Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei. Officials said Mubarak would meet Qurei on Friday.

If you haven't read the article Highlights Of Proposed New EU Constitution the first two initiatives are to elect a new permanent president (will serve 2 1/2 year term) and to elect a three country council of ministers.  This falls right in line with what the Bible says regarding the countries of the New Roman Empire lending their power to one man (Revelation 17:12-13).  The second initiative may just be a coincidence, but the Bible does say that he (antichrist) will have to put down three nations (Daniel 7:24).   They will be under the overall control of the president but probably will take a stand when he declares himself to be God. Could these be the nations that will rebel against the antichrist in the last days?

Leaders in the E.U. are calling the constitution a success, but see a difficult road ahead for getting it ratified.  I was quite stunned that Tony Blair came out smelling like a rose.  In fact, one newspaper was quoted as saying, "Thanks to Tony Blair's powers of persuasion he not only won most of what he wanted but managed to strike a sensible deal with our neighbours..." He remains on my watch list.

The Israeli pullout from Gaza has been moved up to December of this year.  The earlier than expected pullout probably stems from pressure put on by both the E.U. and U.S. in an attempt to keep Israel in line with the Roadmap.  Of course, I see nothing good coming Israel's way at the end of the Roadmap.

Russian President Vladimir Putin disclosed to the press Friday that shortly after 9/11 Russian intelligence gave the Bush administration information that indicated that Saddam Hussein was planning terrorist attacks in the U.S. 

This should help the Bush administration come November in his bid to be re-elected.  But again, this election isn't about Iraq, it's about getting rid of Bush.  It's a tragedy that Kerry, if he is elected, won't be elected on his on merit but due to the selfishness of the liberals.  For some reason they think that these rogue countries (Iraq, Iran, North Korea, etc.) will stop the development of nuclear bombs if you ask them nicely.  Not going to happen, and if they get caught (as Libya did a couple of months ago and Iran this week), they'll either go underground or just refuse to comply.  Libya and many other Arab nations have chosen to go underground, but North Korea and Iran are just flat rebelling against inspections.  Don't expect them to give up their nuclear program without a fight, that is unless the antichrist comes on the scene and makes it happen peacefully.

Back to Iraq.  I just can't understand why President Bush isn't hammering home the real reason we went to war with Iraq.  What the American people just don't seem to understand is they violated the terms of the agreement of the first Gulf War and if anyone can write me and prove otherwise I'd love to hear from them.  Everyday we were being fired upon in the no fly zone  On top of that, Saddam Hussein refused to allow inspectors to do their job and impeded what inspections they were allowed to conduct on every turn.  Just because we haven't found WMD yet doesn't mean that we didn't have the right to enforce the terms of Gulf War I or immobilize a future threat.  This is war and the stakes are getting higher every day.  We simply can’t afford to underestimate any possible threat.

The problem with America, were going the way of all great dynasties!  They all started out with a hunger and focus of creating a great empire, but then become complacent, more interested in short-term riches and pleasures than what brought them to that greatness.  And I haven't even mentioned the fact of how far we've fallen spiritually over the last half century. 

Speaking of how far we've fallen, I can't imagine any American citizen disclosing the location of the secret bunker of our vice president.  If ever there was a time for good and decent people to stand up and speak it's now.  Every American should view this as treason.  I certainly will never buy another Time Magazine and I hope you will follow suit.  Better yet, if you are a subscriber, I would write them and cancel and tell them why. 

May the Lord bless you.

Pastor Malone

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