Questions & Answers To Everyday Life
Why Am I Not Married Yet!
I have been waiting for the Lord to send someone into my life for many years.
I have always believed that if I pray, believe and wait patiently on the
Lord He eventually will bring it to pass. Why hasn’t the
Lord allowed me to get married?
You’re not married yet for a very good reason and I can tell you it’s for
your own good. Why do I say this? Just
read the following verse:
"And we know that all things work together
for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his
For whom he did foreknow, he also did
predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the
firstborn among many brethren." Roman 8:28 & 29
God is in control of your life and He
has a long-term plan that stretches on into eternity. In other words, His
plan for you just doesn’t stop at the grave it continues into heaven as well.
I think what many Christians forget is just because you desire it doesn’t
always make it a part of God’s plan for your life. Many look at Psalms
37:4 “Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of
thine heart” and believe as long as they are in the will of the Lord they can
name it and claim it. That’s just not true and would be detrimental to
your growth process as any good parent knows. As children of God, He knows
what’s good for us and if we’re ready for it. Marriage may simply
not be in His plan for you.
Take a look at I John 5:14. In
my opinion, as far as a Christian’s prayer life is concerned this supercedes
all other scripture.
“And this is the confidence that we
have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us.”
God is always going to hear us if we pray
according to His will, but He’s not a genie that we can call on to grant our
every wish. Somewhere along the line American culture has
collided with the Bible and produced a God of love that will grant our every
desire. He is a God of love but He also desires for us
to grow up.
My advice to you is to go to the Lord and
pledge your obedience to Him. Tell Him you accept His will
for your life and trust Him about the future even if it may not include
The Lord promises that His plan will work
out for your good and for His purpose. God expects you to
believe it.
I hope this has helped you.
Terry Malone
Calvary Prophecy Report
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