Iran Could Develop Bomb In 2005

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August 26, 2004

Israel Hopes To Persuade Europe Against Backing New UN Vote Against Barrier
25/08/2004 Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom expressed hope Wednesday that the European countries would not support a new resolution at the United Nations against Israel's controversial West Bank barrier.

Iran Could Develop Bomb In 2005
WASHINGTON [MENL] -- Iran could complete development of its first nuclear weapon in 2005.

U.S. officials and analysts said Iran has accelerated its nuclear weapons program and could achieve a breakthrough over the next year. They said Iran has determined that it could enrich a sufficient amount of uranium by late 2005.

Undersecretary of State John Bolton said Teheran has told Britain, France and Germany that Iran could enrich enough uranium for a nuclear weapon within a year. Bolton said Teheran has developed programs for the production of plutonium as well as enriched uranium. He said Iran has constructed a large underground facility meant to house up to 50,000 gas centrifuges.

Syria Believed To Have Centrifuges
WASHINGTON [MENL] -- The United States has assessed that Syria acquired components for centrifuges for the enrichment of uranium in what could be the most significant step in that Arab country's nascent nuclear weapons program.

U.S. officials said Syria was believed to have been a client of a nuclear smuggling network led by Pakistani nuclear chief Abdul Qadeer Khan. They said the U.S. intelligence community obtained evidence that the Khan network sold and delivered components for an unspecified number of Pakistani-designed P1 centrifuges to Syria.

N. Korea Markets Taepo Dong-2 Missile
LONDON [MENL] -- North Korea has begun marketing the Taepo Dong-2 long-range missile to Middle East clients.

Western intelligence sources said the most likely client to purchase the Taepong-2 is Iran. The sources said Teheran has been negotiating with Pyongyang for the purchase of the Taepo Dong-2 as Iran's first intercontinental ballistic missile as well as a space launcher.

"Iran wants an ICBM and China and North Korea are already helping in the development of engines," a senior intelligence source said. "North Korea could eventually reach a deal to sell the Taepo Dong-2 to Iran."

Sharon Pledges to Proceed With Withdrawal 
JERUSALEM (AP) - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said Thursday that he would push ahead with a withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, despite a stinging setback to the plan from his Likud Party. A Likud convention voted overwhelmingly late Wednesday to bar Sharon from inviting the opposition Labor...

Iran Disquieted By Nearby U.S. Presence 
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Iran's defense minister expressed his government's disquiet about the U.S. troop presence in neighboring Iraq and Afghanistan, and hinted that some Iranian generals believe they should strike first if they sense an imminent U.S. threat. In an interview with pan-Arab satellite...

Both Iran and Syria are on the cusp of developing nuclear weapons and it could be as early as 2005.  

I don't believe Israel will allow this to happen without taking proactive measures as they did with Iraq back in the early 80s.  If you are a subscriber to my website, you know I believe both Syria and Iran will take part in the future Russian-Arab attack against Israel (Ezekiel 38 & 39). 

If Israel does attack either Iran or Syria it will be soon, but I'm sure Israel's central intelligence network is monitoring their progress very closely.  This is a very explosive situation that many are not even aware of.

Another explosive situation is developing in North Korea.  They have decided to market the Taepo Dong-2 their most advanced ballistic missile.  This multi-stage missile has a range of 6,000 to 9,000 km and has the capability of reaching the western most part of the United States.  Many believe its main purpose will be to blackmail the U.S. when another war with South Korea breaks out.  

The E.U. is dead set against Israel's West Bank barrier and will probably persuade Israel to remove it at some point in the future.  It maybe before the tribulation period begins or maybe a part of the peace agreement with the antichrist.  It's hard to say how much time will pass before that will happen.  

Many are looking at current events and trying to place Bible prophecy within them.  I certainly agree that we are living in the last days but it could be years before a peace agreement is actually signed. 

I realize many are looking at the target date of 2005 for the formulation of a Palestinian State as a sign, but again, we have seen the direction of the talks go from bad to worse in a heartbeat. That could happen again just before a state is established.  If you remember, a so-called agreement between the Arab's and the Israeli's was established on the White House lawn back in 1993.  Since then, things have gone very wrong!

Truly, the Lord could come at any moment, but it will be in His time.  I personally don't believe we'll see real progress toward the tribulation period until after the rapture takes place.  When that happens, that will give rise to the "mystery of iniquity" or the lawless one and plunge the world into tribulation.

In closing, even though the tribulation period could be years away, that doesn’t mean the rapture could take place at any moment.  The Lord could come today.  

If He did, would you be left behind? 

Worse then that, if you were to die today, where would you spend eternity?  If you don’t know the Lord your time is running out!

Pastor Malone

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