Sharon On Retreat: 'Nothing Can Stop Me'

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September 3, 2004

Turkey's EU Membership May Be 10 To 15 Years Away: German FM
02/09/2004 Turkey may join the European Union "perhaps only in 10 or 15 years" but its membership is a key to the fight against international terrorism, German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer said Thursday.

MEPs Consider How To 'Sell' European Constitution
The European Parliament is hoping to kick-start a Europe-wide debate on the EU Constitution when it becomes the first parliament to vote on the text at the end of this year. However, MEPs remain divided on how best to sell the Constitution to the citizens.

Sharon On Retreat: 'Nothing Can Stop Me'
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon made perfectly clear Monday he would not be deterred from his plan to unilaterally uproot and transfer the Jews of northern Samaria and the Gaza Strip.

Hamas Preparing To Strike America?
JERUSALEM - Americans Tuesday were left feeling that the “Palestinian” group Hamas may be preparing to export its Islamic terrorist campaign from Israel to the shores of the United States in the very near future.

Hamas has long used the US as a base for money laundering operations aimed at financing attacks against Jewish men, women and children in Israel.

The reality of Turkey ever becoming a member of the E.U. is zero.  They keep pushing the forecast back further and further but the truth is they will never become a member if Ezekiel 38 & 39 is correct.  Turkey is believed to be numbered among those who will attack Israel in the (near) future.

The European Parliament is pushing to get their constitution ratified throughout all European countries within the next couple of years.  This will be a tough sell and may not receive full cooperation until the antichrist comes on the scene.  It's very possible that he will be the one that finally brings everything together, although, not a requirement. 

I lean toward the rapture taking place first followed by a period where satan will be free to do his will within God's parameters.  During this time period things will move very rapidly and then will come the great falling away.  With the absence of the Holy Spirit man will grow increasingly wicked.  

You may ask, "When did the Holy Spirit leave?"  He will leave when believers are raptured but will return when the 144,000 witnesses are refilled and sealed at the beginning of the tribulation period.  

Evidently, Hamas is shifting gears or at least dividing up their terror efforts.  Sources say that America may be their next target.  For many years, the U.S. has been a financial source for money laundering, but recently a well-known Virginia based Hamas leader was arrested for video taping the Chesapeake Bay Bridge.  The video concentrated on close-ups of the bridge that seemed a little strange for a tourist.

Prime Minister Sharon is set on evacuating all Israeli settlements in northern Samaria and the Gaza Strip.  This is another step toward the eventual peace plan.  

Certainly I believe that Israel will someday have peace but it may not come out of this first attempt.  It's very possible that a Palestinian state will be established and positive steps taken toward peace will be made  In fact, they may very well be in the beginning stages of peace when the Russian-Arab Alliance attacks.  

As I have said in the past, it's difficult to pinpoint this event, but I do feel it will take place sometime between the creation of a Palestinian state and the earlier stages of the tribulation period.  Some believe it may be at the climax of the tribulation period.  The problem with this theory, at this time, Israel will no longer be at peace (Ezekiel 38:11).

Another problem is that many coincide this war with the Battle of Armageddon.  The Bible says that it will take seven months to bury the dead of the Russian-Arab war and Israel would burn their weapons for fuel for seven years (Ezekiel 39:9).  But immediately following the Battle of Armageddon Christ will judge the nations and then turn the world into an earthly paradise.  Of course, there is no scriptural proof as to how quickly the changes will take affect but most Bible scholars tend to believe they will be immediate. 

 Pastor Malone

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