Both N. Korea & Iran On The Verge Of Nuclear Weapons

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September 13, 2004

Sharon Fears Civil War
Guardian Unlimited
Sun, 12 Sep 2004 8:22 AM PDT
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has warned of growing incitement in Israel, saying the heightened rhetoric against his Gaza withdrawal plan could lead to "civil war".

Iran Rejects Limits On "Peaceful" Nuclear Technology
AFP via Yahoo! News Sun, 12 Sep 2004 11:18 AM PDT
Iran said it would not accept any limitations on its right to master "peaceful" nuclear technology, amid fresh calls at the UN nuclear watchdog for it to suspend all uranium enrichment-related activities.

Fresh Concerns On Atomic Moves By North Korea...
WASHINGTON, Sept. 11 - President Bush and his top advisers have received intelligence reports in recent days describing a confusing series of actions by North Korea that some experts believe could indicate the country is preparing to conduct its first test explosion of a nuclear weapon, according to senior officials with access to the intelligence.

While the indications were viewed as serious enough to warrant a warning to the White House, American intelligence agencies appear divided about the significance of the new North Korean actions, much as they were about the evidence concerning Iraq's alleged weapons stockpiles.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is worried about the possibility of a civil war over the Gaza evacuation.  This is a very serious time in Israel.  With the prospect of infighting and enemies virtually on every border, Israel could be at one of its most critical crossroads. 

Of course, we know the Lord is in control but it will be interesting to see what twists and turns this will take.  Personally, I don't see civil war breaking out but there maybe a regime change or a change of heart.  If the pullout does go forward I don't see that solving Israel's problem with the Palestinian's.  Look for more of the same but at a closer range.

Iran has rejected any limitations put on its right to master "peaceful" nuclear technology. Certainly, Iran has no intention of using its nuclear technology for peaceful means. This is just another delay tactic for their underground efforts.  Unless Israel acts soon, look for Iran to announce that they have successfully tested a nuclear bomb.  This would be Israel's worst nightmare.

North Korea seems to be on the same path.  Satellite pictures have picked up what they believe may have been a nuclear bomb test in that region.  Of course, when confronted they denied that it was a nuclear bomb, but the truth of the matter is we will one day soon realize our worst nightmare.

It's unfortunate that the world at large does not have the stomach or the resolve to realize that freedom isn't free.  It cost lives to remain free!  We must realize that we live in a different world than our fathers and grandfathers did.  We simply can't afford to trust that nations such as Iran and North Korea will do the right thing...and the worst part, we only get one chance.  In a nuclear age there are no do overs.

In the next day or so, look for the second half of "What Will Happen After The Rapture II".

 Pastor Malone

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