Sharon Doesn't Plan To Follow 'Road Map'

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September 15, 2004

Sharon Doesn't Plan To Follow 'Road Map'
(AP) - Israel will not follow the U.S.-backed "road map" peace plan and could remain in much of the West Bank for an extended period after it withdraws from the Gaza Strip, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said in a newspaper interview published Wednesday. Sharon's comments were his most detailed yet on his long-term vision for the region. Palestinian officials said the remarks confirmed their fears that Israel plans to draw its own borders and keep a large chunk of the West Bank, rather than negotiate a peace deal with the Palestinians, as envisioned by the road map.

OPEC To Increase Production By 1M Barrels
(AP) - OPEC will increase its oil production by 1 million barrels a day later this year in a move widely viewed as more symbolic than significant -- given that the cartel is already exceeding the new quota. Kuwaiti Oil Minister Sheik Ahmad Fahad al-Ahmad al-Sabah said Wednesday the cartel agreed to the decision to raise output by nearly 4 percent, adding it would take effect Nov. 1. "We will give a signal to the market that we are working hard for the stability of the market," he said.

Hurricane Ivan Roars Toward Gulf Coast
(AP) - Stragglers streamed toward higher ground Wednesday on highways turned into one-way evacuation routes and surf started eroding beaches as Hurricane Ivan roared toward the Gulf Coast with 140 mph wind. Nearly 200 miles wide, Ivan could cause significant damage no matter where it strikes, as hurricane-force wind extended up to 105 miles out from the center. Hurricane warnings were posted along a 300-mile stretch from Grand Isle, La., across coastal Mississippi and Alabama to Apalachicola, Fla.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has stated that they will not follow the U.S. lead "road map" peace plan and may remain in much of the West Bank for quite sometime.  Although Israel does intend to go through with the Gaza Strip pullout this doesn't look good for the future of the peace plan, but truthfully, the Bible never mentioned the U.S. as a major player in the peace process to begin with.  Personally, I'm not sure they will even have a hand in it, but they may endorse it.

OPEC has finally increased oil production.  They pretty much have a stranglehold on the world and there's not much anyone can do about it.  Some Bible prophecy scholars believe that one day soon Israel is going to discover the greatest oil deposit the world has ever known.  Ezekiel 38:12 says that when Israel is attacked (Russian-Arab Alliance) it will be for the purpose of taking a spoil.  At this point and time, Israel has nothing of significant value to spoil, but sometime in the future they will.  Oil maybe the reason.  Obviously, Israel could never be a part of OPEC and may bring the cost of oil way down.  That would certainly pose a huge problem for both Russia and the Arab world.

From time to time I have people ask me about the weather and how it relates to the last days.  With Ivan bearing down on the Gulf Coast and earthquakes occurring in the Middle East many see this as a sign of the times.  

Of course, statistics show that we are experiencing an increase in natural disasters, but many attribute that to better record keeping and technology.  To some extent I would have to agree, but you can bet there will come a time when there will be no mistaking statistics with fact.  Christian's may never see the full fury God has promised but it is coming. 

 Pastor Malone

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