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December 11, 2004
Hopes For Middle East Peace
Sat, 11 Dec 2004 5:37 AM PST
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip -- A rare optimism is taking hold among Palestinians amid
signs of a possible breakthrough in the long-deadlocked Mideast peace process.
Arafat - What's Next For Israeli-Palestinian Relations
Singapore International
Sat, 11 Dec 2004 6:38 AM PST
In this edition of Perspective, the future of the Israeli-Palestinian
relationship following the death of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat , and who
is likely to lead the Palestinian cause from here on?
Election Observation Mission Deploys in West Bank, Gaza Strip
Arabic Media
Internet Network
Sat, 11 Dec 2004 6:49 AM PST
Despite the deployment of the EU Election Observation Mission in the West Bank
and Gaza Strip, Israeli restrictions on the Palestinians’ movement and
Israel’s extra-judicial assassinations are threatening upcoming elections
widely viewed as a window of opportunity for both a new Palestinian leadership
and the peace process.
Countries Commit To Reforms
Arab-Israeli dispute was a recurring theme with Saudi Foreign Minister Saud
al-Faisal saying the "real bone of contention" for Muslims is
"the Western bias toward Israel."
A statement issued at the conclusion of the conference said the participants "reaffirmed that their support for reform in the region will go hand-in-hand with their support for a just, comprehensive and lasting settlement to the Arab-Israeli conflict."
A Nuclear Iran Poses Extreme Threat To U.S.Comments
Israel has entered into the first stages of an
agreement with the European Union. This has been in the works for sometime
as I chronicled in my last article.
Both Israel and The Palestinian Authority are named as part of this neighborhood plan. What I see immediately for this plan is a concerted effort by the E.U. to apply financial pressure on both parties to co-exist and live in peace. This will be the main focus of their relationship with the E.U and will achieve eventual peace for the two countries.
As this plan progresses, other neighboring countries will join and could virtually isolate the U.S. in terms of military allies. I don't believe that they will be forced to join the E.U. but they will definitely see them as an important trading partner.
This initial agreement is not the peace plan but more than likely will lead to the seven-year plan. It should be noted that the next financial period for the E.U. is from 2007 to 2013. This just happens to be seven-years in length.
Below is an explanation of the European Neighborhood Policy. You will find the full details at the European Neighbourhood Policy Website.
"Let’s be clear about what ENP is, and what it is not. It is not an Enlargement policy. It does not close any doors to European countries that may at some future point wish to apply for membership, but it does not provide a specific accession prospect either.
What it is, is an offer. A substantial offer. The offer of much deeper cooperation and progressive integration into certain EU policies and programmes, depending on the fulfilment of commitments.
The Action Plans set out precise steps agreed with each partner for the 3-5 years to come. You could see it as a statement of intent by our two sides.
What is important is that each agreement has been tailor made to match the needs and the interests of the country concerned. Nothing is imposed in this policy! We are responding to longstanding requests in many cases, and we have been guided to a large extent by the wishes of the countries themselves. The further a partner is ready to go in taking practical steps to implement common values, the further the EU will be ready to go in strengthening our links with them.
The ENP is a deal in the interests of both sides. It is a deal which prevents a new dividing line being drawn across Europe following Enlargement.
The EU gains the benefits of a stable neighbourhood. Our assistance will support countries in their own economic and political reforms to spread the benefits of prosperity and democracy. This is good for us as well as our neighbours.
The EU gains improved security around its borders. Increased cross border co operation will help us to tackle problems from migration to organised crime.
The EU gains because our partners sign up to stronger commitments on the fight against terrorism, non-proliferation of WMD, and to the peaceful resolution of regional conflicts.
Our partners gain: closer co operation, greater financial assistance, the chance to participate in EU programmes, and a stake in the biggest Single Market in the world.
Concretely, they gain assistance to bring their laws and regulations in line with European standards to boost their access to the internal market.
They gain the chance to participate in a range of policies according to their interests, in areas like education, research, and the environment.
They gain the opportunity to work towards improved links to the EU in the fields of energy, transport and the information society.
The aim is to avoid a new dividing line being drawn across Europe following Enlargement.
Let me run through where we stand with the different partners involved.
For Israel and the Palestinian authority, the Neighbourhood Policy is a concrete sign of the EU's engagement.
On the Palestinian side we have obtained firm commitments to reform. In return, we have undertaken to continue our support, much of which is now being channelled through the World Bank Trust Fund.
Israel clearly acknowledges the role of the EU in the Quartet and the need to take into account the viability of a future Palestinian state in counter-terrorist activities. Israel has never been willing to make such commitments in writing to any other partner.
The same applies to the commitments Israel has entered into concerning WMD.
Our intention is to integrate a second series of partner countries into the ENP during the course of next year: Egypt and Lebanon, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. We will launch this exercise by presenting country reports in February 2005, followed by consultations on Action Plans once the Council has given its green light." To read more
As earlier stated, The Action Plan is the master plan for future Israeli/E.U. progressive relations. Here is an excerpt of what this plan will seek to accomplish:
"Israel has a functioning market economy and a well developed public administration and
public services. This foundation makes Israel well placed to further develop its relationship
with the EU including in the framework of the ENP.
The level of ambition of the EU/Israel relationship will depend on the degree of commitment
to common values as well as the mutual interests and the capacity of each party to implement
jointly agreed priorities. The pace of progress of the relationship will acknowledge fully the
efforts and concrete achievements in meeting those commitments.
This Action Plan is a first step in this process. It covers a timeframe of three years. Its
implementation will help fulfill the provisions in the Association Agreement (AA), build ties
in new areas and will encourage and support Israel’s objectives for further integration into
European economic and social structures. It will also build solid foundations for further
economic integration based on the adoption and implementation of economic and traderelated
rules and regulations with the potential to enhance trade, investment and growth. It
will furthermore help to devise and implement policies and measures to promote economic
growth, employment and social cohesion, to reduce poverty and to protect the environment,
thereby contributing to the long-term objective of sustainable development.
An important goal of the Action Plan is to encourage cooperation on non-proliferation of
weapons of mass destruction and the fight against terrorism, as well as prevention and
resolution of conflicts in the region and beyond.
This Action Plan will also provide the opportunity and basis for increased legislative cooperation
and exchange of views, with an aim to explore the possibility of approximation of
laws in appropriate areas. Israel already participates in some Community programmes notably
the Sixth Framework Programme, on a similar basis as the members of the European
Economic Area (EEA).
As part of this Action Plan and in preparing for its first review, the EC will undertake an
overall examination of all other Community programmes and bodies, with the objective of
opening them to Israeli participation. This will be subject to mutual interest, and where
required, to financial contributions by Israel as well as alignment of its legislation as required
to participate in the relevant programme.
Israel and the EU will co-operate closely in implementing this Action Plan."
To read more about the Proposed Action Plan EU-Israel.
I can see this plan turning into the peace plan of the antichrist. It has all the ingredients of Daniel 9:26 & 27 which includes the antichrist confirming a peace plan with many and peace being established in the Middle East as a result of this agreement.
Looking at the overall plan, this agreement could easily catapult the E.U. into a mega world superpower both economically and militarily.
It will take a supernatural undertaking to get Israel to part with their nuclear arsenal, but I am inclined to believe that they will be fooled into believing the lies of the coming antichrist. No man could pull this off, but he will most certainly have the power of satan indwelling him.
I really don't have a timeline to give you. The first stage of The Action Plan will last three years. As their relationship continues to develop look for a possible acceleration in the plan. I believe Israel will rise quickly in this partnership and a seven-year plan maybe the next step.
Will Christian's see the coming seven-year plan of the antichrist? I don't believe we will, but we may see the beginning stages.
Are you ready to meet the Lord? If not your time is running out!