Calvary Prophecy Report

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Questions & Answers To Everyday Life

Why Don't I Feel Saved: Some Timely Advice

Mr. Malone

I know that I am saved and filled with the Holy Ghost. I was hurt by the church and backslid. I am now back in fellowship with God and my new husband who is a babe in Christ. My problem is, the renewing of my mind and emotions. I am a very selfish person. I am very impatient. Because of the past trials in my life, I run from adult responsibilities. Which includes the following:

Being a mother

Being an active church member

Handling problems in the marriage

I am afraid to join the church that my husband and I have been going to because of the fear of being placed back into the ministry and basic membership obedience.

My ex-husband has custody of my son and I get him one weekend every month but I visit him anytime. My child is a bit unruly and hardheaded and no one really wants to deal with him, including ME. I have been to a counselor and prayed and cried and the whole works.

I want God to change my heart so that I can be pleasing to Him so that I can go to heaven when I die. I am so afraid of being the type of person that Jesus calls "some will call on the name of the Lord but not make it into the Kingdom" I am so lazy, I am late for work everyday, I had a very bad childhood and I am still very scarred, but regardless, I should go forward in the Lord. I read my Word like crazy and I pray much, and I still have not been totally delivered. I do not want to miss heaven, I hope one day God will raise me up in His time, but right now I have no desire to take on any hassles of life. But it kills me because I am not at ease within my spirit, I feel like I am worthless to God.

I just don't want to miss heaven, I dream about Jesus, He stays on my mind, it seems like my heart is right, but my flesh is so darn lazy and full of fear and I just do not want to be burdened down with the responsibilities of adulthood. I want to do the very minimum to get by in every aspect of my life.

I don't want to go back to the way things were years ago.

Can you please help me, I do love Jesus and I do want to be with Him forever, what am I going to do.

You are being lead by Satan in your thinking. Reading your Bible and praying only work if you believe what it says. It's like the old vampire movies. Sticking a cross in the face of a vampire only works if you believe in what the cross stands for.

Fear is not of God and negative thinking is not of God. Satan would have you believe that you are not a child of God. If he can't have you he at least wants to make you unusable for the service of the Lord. That seems to be where you are right now. But don't feel to bad, I get a lot of mail from people all over the world in the same position.

First of all, you must be able to answer this question from the heart and in truth. Are you truly living for the Lord and living in His will? If not you need to be, and you need to confess it to the Lord. Ask the Lord to deliver you and take charge of your life.

Then you must take the first steps of obedience in the sense that you are now willing to do what the Bible commands. Number one, if the church you are now attending is a Bible believing church that has and will continue to meet your spiritual needs, then you need to join, as commanded by our Lord. Two, you need to get involved in the church. Ask the Lord to lead you to the ministry that He would have you to do. Three, you're not living for yourself, but for the Lord. Life's hard, and many times we place upon ourselves unnecessary burdens due to poor life decisions. But God can help you through these poor decisions. Many times He does not take them away because we reap what we sow, but uses them to build Christian character in your life. So don't run from your burdens, try embracing them and turn them over to the Lord. If God takes them away, it was for a purpose, and if He leaves them, that to has its purpose.

You must also know that fear is the opposite of faith. I know that is easier said then done, but you can reverse the thought process of fear. Again, it is through positive faith (not positive thinking) that this can be accomplished (Romans 8:28). 

Get up every day and renew your mind in Christ. When you start to think negative....stop! When you watch the wrong TV shows....stop! Take a look at Philippians 4:8-9. Put into practice those things that God has over the years showed you. You won't change over night...but again you may...just let the Lord have His way in your life and He will change your life for His good and your benefit.

Except His will and take responsibility for allowing God to reign freely in your life. Being obedient to the Lord is neither popular nor glamorous, but it will give you the peace of God, and I guarantee that you will never doubt your salvation.

I hope that this has been a help to you.

Pastor Malone

The Answer
If you are one of those who doubt that God can or will forgive you because of your past sinful lifestyle, put away your doubt, because He can if you will only allow Him to. You may say, "But Pastor Malone, you don't know what I've done or where I've been or what I've been exposed to." No I don't, but after spending 3 ˝ years in a Korean prisoner of war camp under cruel conditions, where I saw die twelve men a day, and others beg to be killed, I think I have a pretty good idea. I came out of that prison camp a miserable, hardened man who knew no love, and loved no one. But one day God got a hold of my heart and I repented of my sins, and asked Jesus to come into my heart and change my life. He did, and from that day forward I have been serving Him and telling everyone I know that He can do the same for them if they will only allow Him too.

The question is, "What do you want to do? You can continue to live in fear and doubt that you may not even be saved or you can repent and turn your life over to the Lord. That's an awful chance to take and one I don't think you are willing to take. If that's the case, I want you to pray this prayer of repentance:

"Father, I know that I have not been living for you, I repent of that. I want you to forgive me for (name the sin's or lifestyles you have been living) living for myself. Forgive me for turning my back on you. I now accept the free gift at Calvary that Jesus paid and embrace it as my own. I now turn my life completely over to You and receive the power of the Holy Spirit to live a successful life in Christ. Thank you Lord for saving and forgiving me. I pledge my life to live for you from this day forward…Amen."

If you prayed this prayer and meant it, God has saved you and will direct your life. Of course, now you need to take the first steps toward living for the Lord. Find a Bible believing church and be there every time the doors are open. Surround yourself with Christian friends that won't entice you to do things of the world. Start reading your Bible daily and as the Lord leads you. Pray without ceasing. These are all very important building blocks of salvation for which no new Christian can do without.

If you will follow these guidelines of salvation you will grow as a Christian. If you don't, Satan will eat you alive and keep you living in doubt and fear until you unconditionally turn your life over to the Lord. 

I hope this has helped you to know that God does love you and that no one is too far-gone or has sinned too many times for Him to save.

We'd love to hear about your decision to follow Christ. Please let us know by email by clicking here.

May the joy and peace of His presence be with you until He comes again.

Terry Malone
Calvary Prophecy Report

Want to know more about becoming a Christian click here.

If you haven't had a chance to take a look at my book "Revelation Revealed", I encourage you to go to my website and explore what this book has to offer.  I believe it will give you a clear understanding of the end times and the order in which it may come.  Pick up a copy today for yourself or a loved one who does not know the Lord.  I know it will be a spiritual blessing to you and will help support this ministry.  To order a copy of Revelation Revealed please click here.

Home Page                                                                                 Updated December 20, 2000 



I don't feel saved, how do i know i am saved, how do i know i'm born again, i don't feel born again