Why Israel Will Be Forsaken By The U.S.

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March 24, 2006

Abbas Proposes Final Peace Deal That Will End Palestinian-Israeli Conflict;  Bush To Head It Up
A peace deal to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can be achieved within less than a year, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas told Haaretz on Wednesday.

Speaking to Haaretz from the Muqata compound in Ramallah, Abbas said he had proposed to the United States to open covert negotiations for a final status settlement. The talks would be spearheaded by President George Bush, after the new Israeli government was set up.

Addressing the Israeli voter he said, "These are historic times. I can assure you that you have a peace partner. Perhaps this is the last chance to give both our nations the right to live safely. The future generations would not forgive us if we pass it up."

Why Israel Will Be Forsaken By The U.S.
Harvard's now infamous report is about a lot more than just substandard research and conspiracies, warns the writer, a former student of one of its authors. It should serve as a wake-up call to Israel's electorate

One Dies As Huge Blast Rocks French University; Unknown If It Is Terror Related
MULHOUSE, France (Reuters) - One person died and up to 20 were missing on Friday after an explosion destroyed a research building at a French university in the eastern city of Mulhouse, the fire brigade said.

Rice Warns Against Delays on Iran Resolution
WASHINGTON — Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice issued a veiled warning Thursday to holdouts in a diplomatic impasse at the United Nations over Iran's disputed nuclear program.

"There can't be any stalling," Rice said in response to a question about U.S. efforts to get Russia and China to sign on to a strongly worded rebuke to Tehran.

Russia and China have refused to back a U.N. Security Council statement proposed by Britain, France and the United States demanding Iran suspend uranium enrichment.

Two prominent American international relations and political science professors; Stephen Walt, the academic dean at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government and John Mearsheimer from the University of Chicago published an article last week titled "The Israel Lobby".  It was published in the London Review of Books.  

I would suggest that you read this article on U.S. relations and Israel .  I am convinced that their philosophy is very close to being adopted in the near future if it hasn't already.  Here is an excerpt from the article that will give you a good understanding of what they believe:

The article begins with a general accusation that since the 1967 Six Day War, US Middle East policy has been driven not by US national interests, but by Israel's national interests. In their view, "The combination of unwavering support for Israel and the related effort to spread 'democracy' throughout the region has inflamed Arab and Islamic opinion and jeopardized not only US security but that of much of the rest of the world."

So Mearsheimer and Walt believe that for the past forty years, the US has been acting in a manner that completely undercuts its national interest. With this opening salvo, Walt and Mearsheimer argue that the reason that the US acts in opposition to its national interests is because for the past four decades, US Middle East policy has been dictated by the "Israel Lobby."

The distinguished professors define the Israel lobby, or in their conspiratorial shorthand, "the Lobby," as "the loose coalition of individuals and organizations who actively work to steer US foreign policy in a pro-Israel direction." Members of "the Lobby" include most US media outlets; Jewish American organizations generally and AIPAC and the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish American Organizations in particular; pro-Israel evangelical Christians; Jewish and "gentile neo-conservative" newspaper columnists; Washington think tanks — both Jewish and "gentile neo-conservative"; Jewish government officials and politicians; and "gentile neo-conservative" government officials and politicians.

Walt and Mearsheimer allege that members of "the Lobby" and their friends and professional counselors in the Israeli government and the Likud party were a "critical" factor behind the US decision to topple Saddam Hussein's regime three years ago. Similarly, these forces are behind America's (unjustified and counterproductive) hostility towards Iran and its nuclear weapons program and its (incorrect) view that the Iranian program constitutes a threat to global security.

Israel, they claim, weakened the US-led coalition in the 1991 Gulf War and is at least partially responsible for Osama bin Laden's decision to attack the US. ("There is no question that many al Qaida leaders, including Osama bin Laden, are motivated by Israel's presence in Jerusalem and the plight of the Palestinians.")  http://www.jewishworldreview.com/0306/glick032406.php3?printer_friendly

I won't even discuss the stupidity of their statements regarding Iraq and Iran.  People will believe what they want to believe no matter what the evidence says.  However, I do believe that many in the U.S. feel that American forces should only get involved in conflicts that will further the cause of U.S. national interests.  Since invading Iraq is not perceived by public opinion to directly serve in U.S. national interest they should not get involved.  That goes for Israeli-Palestinian relations as well.  But as long as Christians are still here we will continue to lobby and protect Israel.

You can bet the day is coming when Mr. Walt and Mearsheimer's philosophy will be fully embraced by the U.S. government.  When the rapture occurs millions of Christians in the U.S. and throughout the world will disappear.  Following this departure satan will be granted permission to set up his kingdom.  At the same time, nations around the world will be shuffling to get in line with the new world order.  International policy toward Israel will change overnight.  Yes, the U.S. will still see Israel as an ally, but if it's not in their national interest to come to their aid, they won't!  

When the Russian-Arab Alliance comes crashing down on Israel their will be a national public outcry unlike any other for the U.S. to stay out of this conflict.  Israel will be forsaken by the world, but as we know, God will come and save them.

According to Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, a peace deal to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can be achieved in less than a year.  He is challenging U.S. President George Bush to spearhead the talks and immediately proceed into covert negotiations for a final settlement.

Speaking to Israeli voters he said, "These are historic times. I can assure you that you have a peace partner. Perhaps this is the last chance to give both our nations the right to live safely. The future generations would not forgive us if we pass it up."  http://www.haaretzdaily.com/hasen/spages/698140.html

I realize we've heard this all before but one day it's going to come to pass.  And when it does I pray that you are ready to meet the Lord.  If that's not the case don't you think it's time?

Pastor Malone

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