Ahmadinejad: Conditions For Removal Of Israel Are At Hand!

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July 10, 2006

Ahmadinejad: Conditions For Removal Of Israel Are At Hand
Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, clearing up any ambiguity in previous calls to “wipe Israel off the map,” now used an Arabic word for the removal of body hair to describe his plans for Israel.

Israel Says Gaza Offensive Has No Timetable
GAZA (Reuters) - Israel launched rapid-fire air strikes against Palestinian targets across the Gaza Strip on Sunday after rebuffing a proposed ceasefire by Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of...

U.S. Urges China To Pressure North Korea
TOKYO - A top U.S. envoy pushed for a united international front against North Korea's recent missile tests Sunday, but divisions widened over a U.S.-backed Japanese proposal for sanctions against Pyongyang. U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill was in Tokyo ahead of a possible vote in the U.N. Security Council on the resolution. Despite resistance from China and Russia, Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso vowed Sunday not to compromise on the measure's tough wording. 

Iran To Reply To Nuclear Offer In August
TEHRAN - Iran has said it will take until the second half of August to respond to an international offer of incentives in return for the suspension of sensitive nuclear work. "They need to respond to the ambiguities we have identified," Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said of the offer, drawn up by the five permanent Security Council members plus Germany and presented to Iran on June 6

US "Has Votes" For U.N. Resolution Against N. Korea
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States believes it has the votes in the U.N. Security Council to impose sanctions against North Korea's nuclear missile program, a top U.S. official said...

US-Russian Tensions To Simmer At G8
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Five years ago, President Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin hit it off so well in their first meeting that Bush famously said he trusted Putin after getting...

Japan Considers Strike Against N. Korea
TOKYO - Japan said Monday it was considering whether a pre-emptive strike on the North's missile bases would violate its constitution, signaling a hardening stance ahead of a possible U.N. Security Council vote on Tokyo's proposal for sanctions against the regime.

Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is at it again.  At the Arab Conference of Iraqi Neighbors meeting Saturday,  Ahmadinejad made it clear that now was the time to wipe Israel off the face of the map once and for all.

“All the conditions for the removal of the Zionist regime are at hand,” Ahmadinejad told an Arab Conference of Iraqi Neighbors meeting Saturday. For the first time, he employed the Arabic word ezaleh, which is used to describe the irreversible removal of body hairs or a woman’s virginity.

“Nations in the region will be more furious every day. It won’t take long before the wrath of the people turns into a terrible explosion that will wipe the Zionist entity off the map,” Ahmadinejad told the foreign ministers of Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Turkey, Bahrain and Egypt. The heads of the Arab League and the Islamic Conference were also present, in addition to a special United Nations representative."  http://www.israelnationalnews.com/news.php3?id=106893

If you look at the list of attendees, it basically covers everyone that the Bible predicts will take part in the Russian led invasion found in Ezekiel 38 & 39.  I also find it amazing that a man would be calling for Israel's destruction saying to a world body that "all the conditions for the removal of the Zionist regime are at hand".  

The world is definitely a dangerous place.  Even the U.S. is not immune to terrorist plots.  As you know, just this week a plot was uncovered to blowup a New York City underground tunnel.  The goal was to blow a hole in the tunnel and flood out the financial district.  Just today, I heard a former CIA agent say that Al Qaida is feeling the pressure that they must pull off a major terrorist plot before the end of 2006 to remain a relevant threat.  Some of the targets mentioned were New York (and other U.S. cities), London, Madrid and Paris.  

Once again, Israel has made it clear to the world that the Gaza offensive will go on indefinitely.  

"This is a war that cannot be on a timetable," a senior government official quoted Prime Minister Ehud Olmert as telling his cabinet, a day after Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas raised the prospect of a ceasefire.

"There is no intention to reoccupy Gaza in order to stay there, but if certain operations are needed they will be carried out. We will operate, enter and pull out as needed," Olmert was quoted as saying."  http://today.reuters.com/news/newsarticle.aspx?type=topNews&storyid=2006-07-09T220220Z_01_L04812837_RTRUKOC_0_US-MIDEAST.xml&src=rss&rpc=22

I have to be honest, with Israel embroiled in a Middle East conflict that may not end any time soon, and at the same time, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad pumping up the Arab world for a major military move against them, my mind automatically switches to thoughts of the rapture.  

I realize many (including myself) have called for the rapture over the last few decades.  The truth is we simply don't know when it will happen.  But we do know the signs, and even though the signs may seem to be appearing, then subsiding and reappearing again, one day they will turn into reality.

Just look at the potential major catastrophes that could explode at any moment.  North Korea is a world nuclear war just waiting to happen, and one day, I believe they will. Just today, they told the U.S. and Japan to mind their own business or face nuclear war.  

Al Qaida is desperate to pull off another 9/11 style terrorist plot and have even revealed that one of their leaders is a U.S. citizen (California).  No telling how many other U.S. citizens may have fallen prey to their doctrine.  The scary thing is, with their U.S. citizenship, they are free to travel throughout the country.

And certainly, the potential that this Middle East conflict could explode into a full blown regional war is all to real.  We need to remember, at the end of Ahmadinejad speech, not one leader in attendance condemned or even spoke harshly against his attack on Israel.  Instead, they expressed their strong condemnation toward the continued Israeli invasion against the Palestinian people.

And there are other potential problems throughout the world that are being overshadowed that could surface at anytime. The relationship between Russia and the U.S. is almost back to Cold War standards, not to mention the explosive problems between India and Pakistan, and China and Taiwan.  These countries are on the verge of war on a daily basis. 

Is the world ripe for the rapture of the church and the revealing of the antichrist?  Nobody knows for sure, but I can't think of a better time for the world to embrace a false messiah.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not your time is running out!

Pastor Malone

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