PRC: Prepare For An Attack Inside Israel

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October 27, 2006

PRC: Prepare for an attack inside Israel
IDF 'Footprints in the Sand' in Khan Younis that left two gunmen dead is leading to frightening repercussions from Palestinian organizations. Spokesman for the Palestinian Resistance Committees Abu Abir warned of "tunnel bombings, rocket attacks, and suicide attacks in Gaza, West Bank and the depth of Zionist territory."

Russia sends separate force to Lebanon
Russia is sending a peacekeeping force to Lebanon, which will operate independently of the UNIFIL force currently stationed in the region, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov said on Friday.

Ivanov said that the Russian force would be sent in coordination with the Lebanese government.

Solana: Time to end occupation
The European Union Foreign Policy Chief Javier Solana said following a meeting with Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah Thursday that “the Palestinian people have suffered and suffered a lot, and it is time that the occupation that started in 1967 is over.”

'Hamas doesn't want to destroy Israel'
Hamas wants to "liberate the Palestinians," not to destroy Israel, Javier Solana, the European Union's foreign policy chief, told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday.

In an interview following his talks in Tel Aviv with Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, Solana insisted that it was "not impossible" for Hamas to change and "recognize the existence of Israel." History had shown that people and nations "adapt to reality," he said. "I don't want to lose hope."

Solana: Why are ministers warning of outpost evacuation?
EU Foreign Policy Chief Javier Solana said Thursday during a meeting with Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni in Tel Aviv that as far as Europe is concerned, the Road Map still exists and must be implemented by both sides immediately.

Is Mahmoud Abbas planning a coup?
Hamas has instructed its followers in the West Bank and Gaza Strip to be on high alert following unconfirmed reports that Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah party are planning a coup against the Hamas government on Saturday.

Sources close to Hamas told The Jerusalem Post that the Islamic movement was taking these reports seriously and that hundreds of Hamas militiamen would be deployed in strategic areas in the Gaza Strip to foil any attempt to overthrow the Hamas government.

European Union Foreign Policy Chief Javier Solana, after meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said that the Palestinian people had suffered enough and it was time to end the occupation that started back in 1967.  

After meeting with Hamas, Solana said that Hamas' goal wasn't to destroy Israel.  "I don't think the essence of Hamas is the destruction of Israel. The essence of Hamas is the liberation of the Palestinians," he added. "The liberation of their people, not the destruction of Israel."

Mr. Solana is not only delusional but he has a poor recollection of history!  Yes, Israel did pre-empt an Egyptian air attack by destroying their entire air fleet while they were still on the ground, but war was never their solution, only a preventive measure.  They wanted to negotiate but the Arab world wouldn't hear of it.  By a miracle of God, Israel's military leaders developed the perfect plan that produced a stunning defeat of a much larger army and the war was over in six days.  From that war, Israel regained Jerusalem and expanded their territory by over 200%.  The truth of the matter is, it was a war (that they started) and not an occupation, and the Arab world lost land as a result.  

As far as the question as to whether Hamas wants to destroy Israel? The preface of the Hamas Covenant states these words:

"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it." (A quote by Imam Hassan al Banna)

That doesn't sound like someone who wants to live side by side and peaceably with Israel.

Solana says he's a friend of Israel's but his rhetoric seems to declare differently.  

Some in the world of prophecy believe Solana will one day rise to be the antichrist.  Certainly, it could be him or any one of a hundred leaders in Europe.  But recently, there have been strong rumors that he is on the verge of retiring even before his term is completed.  This is just one more reason I believe we will not find out who the real antichrist is until after the rapture takes place.

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Pastor Malone