Democrats Rule Congress; Why I Believe It Is A Part Of Prophecy

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November 9, 2006

Yeshiva Head: Thank G-d, No One Hurt - But No Thanks to Govīt
Five more rockets were fired at Sderot and the western Negev today, with one landing just outside the office of the Yeshiva dean in Sderot. No one was hurt.

Tears and anger as Gaza buries its dead
BEIT HANOUN, Gaza (Reuters) - Palestinian militants vowed revenge after an Israeli artillery barrage killed 18 civilians in the Gaza Strip in the deadliest military strike in four years,...

Iraqis won't miss Rumsfeld, but still pessimistic
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The resignation of one of the main architects of the U.S.-led invasion, Donald Rumsfeld, brought some satisfaction to Iraqis on Thursday but did little to inspire...

Lebanese leaders resume crisis talks on government
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Anti-Syrian leaders in Lebanon were set on Thursday to reject a Hezbollah demand for more cabinet seats for its allies that would give the opposition effective veto power

Haniyeh tells Arab MKs unity PA gov't talks progressing well
MKs Ahmed Tibi and Ibrahim Tzartzur (Ra'am-Ta'al) met Thursday noon with Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh in Gaza City.

Haniyeh told the MKs that talks between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority on establishing a unity government are at an advanced stage. The basic principles of the new government have already been agreed upon, the Palestinian premier said.

Democrats win control of the Senate to complete congress takeover
WASHINGTON - Democrats wrested control of the Senate from Republicans Wednesday with an upset victory in Virginia, giving the party complete domination of Capitol Hill for the first time since 1994.

Democrats ask Bush to hold summit on Iraq
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Triumphant U.S. congressional Democratic leaders began to flex their new political muscle on Wednesday by urging President George W. Bush to host a bipartisan summit on the Iraq war and find common ground with them on such domestic issues as education and health care.

House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid said the American people voted for change in Tuesday's elections.

In First, Hamas Calls For Strikes On U.S. Targets
GAZA CITY [MENL] -- For the first time, Hamas has called on its Muslim allies to attack U.S. targets around the world.

The Hamas call came amid an Israeli artillery attack that killed at least 19 people in the northern Gaza Strip. Most of the casualties in the strike on Beit Hanoun were said to be civilians, with at least four members of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade of the Fatah movement.

Israeli media source: Americans are no longer willing to pay the price of war
On the hills of an overwhelming victory for Democrats in the American elections, an Israeli media source reported the Israeli perspective that Americans have reached the conclusion they are no longer willing to pay the price for war.

Saddam 'executed by end of year'
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki has told the BBC he expects Saddam Hussein to be executed by the end of 2006.

China, Egypt reach nuclear energy agreement
hina and Egypt agreed to co-operate on the peaceful use of nuclear energy. 

Now that the Democrats have taken over congress, for the first time ever, Hamas is calling on Muslim's to attack U.S. targets around the world.

"America is offering political, financial and logistic cover for the Zionist occupation crimes, and it is responsible for the Beit Hanoun massacre," Hamas said in a statement on Wednesday after the Israeli strike. "Therefore, the people and the nation all over the globe are required to teach the American enemy tough lessons.

That should be no surprise.  According to an Israeli media source, Americans have come to the point where they are no longer willing to pay the price for war.  America will be going in a different direction and there are many prophetic reason for this move.  

Look for the U.S. not only to pull out of Iraq but to ultimately abandon Israel.  This election has sent congress a clear message that they want out of the Middle East, and if they (democrats or republicans) want to win in 2008, they better get out fast. It wouldn't surprise me if Afghanistan was next.  

Personally, I believe this democrat congressional win was of God.  I believe it kicked off the next phase in prophecy...the complete abandonment of Israel.  With the U.S. and allies recovering from a major political backlash from the Iraqi War they won't dare jump into another war.  And if the republicans want any chance of winning in 2008 they better steer clear of any talk of war.

Getting back to the terrorists.  This election is not only a victory for democrats, according to terrorist leaders, them as well.  Now if you're a democrat, don't get mad at me, I'm only repeating what the terrorists have already said.  Personally, my only objections to the democratic party are that they stand behind gay rights, abortion, and typically are soft on national defense.  But neither party has the ability to change things...that's in the Lord's hands.  I just know we can't be in a position of divine protection as long as gay rights and abortion are the rule of the land.  Call me a backwards thinker but I still believe God sets up kings and kingdoms, and protects those that (Psalms 2:10-12) keep His statutes (II Chronicles 7:14).  On the other hand, I also believe that the curse of God falls upon a nation that openly rejects God's statutes (Psalms 1:4-6).  The day of cursing is quickly coming upon us!

I hope I'm incorrect, but I believe the U.S. will see another successful terror attack within the next 36 months.  I say 36 months because they may wait until after a new president is elected.  Bush may have lost his congressional power but he'll still take it to the terrorists if we are attacked.

I believe this foreign policy move away from Iraq, probably the Middle East, and eventually Israel will lead to the ultimate confrontation between the Russian-Arab Alliance and Israel described in Ezekiel 38 & 39.  Although the U.S. and allies have promised to come to Israel's aid if attacked, on that day, they will cut their losses and abandon them. Besides, from this day forward, it would be political suicide for any U.S. or British political leader to even suggest that their country jump into a war that didn't directly affect them.  

Let's face it, the terrorists and Arab nations have the West right where they want them.  As I said in previous articles, look for Iran and North Korea to proceed with confidence with the hope of never ending talk from the U.N.  Also, look for others besides the six Arab nations (Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and the UAE; Article# 591) to jump in as well.  Of course, it will be for peaceful means. 

The Anti-Syrian leaders in Lebanon are set to tell Hezbollah that they are denying their request for more cabinet seats.  Hezbollah demanded the seats so that their allies would have more veto power. I didn't know Lebanese leaders were allowed to tell Hezbollah no. That's kind of like writing nasty and damning newspaper articles about someone like Russian President Vladamir Putin.  That can get you killed in a hurry.  But truthfully, it's only a matter of time before Lebanon is completely taken over by either Hezbollah or Syria anyway...they might as will get used to it.

In a closing note, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki has told the press that former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein will likely be executed before the end of 2006.

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Pastor Malone