Peace And War Is In The Air

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November 12, 2006

Hamas accepts peace conference proposal
CAIRO, Egypt - The Hamas-led Palestinian government agreed Sunday to an international peace conference with Israel after the Arab League — angered by Israel's military offensive in Gaza — voted to end a financial blockade on the Palestinians.

'Israel must prepare for full-scale war'
Israel has to prepare for a full-scale war, in which Syria will be an important player, an Israeli military official told the British Sunday Times. "The challenge from Iran and Syria is now top of the Israeli defense agenda, higher than the Palestinian one," another official said.

Fatah's Al-Aksa Brigades, 3 Others Declare War on America
Four Palestinian Authority terrorist groups, including that of PA President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah organization, called on Muslims worldwide to attack America "with no mercy."

Hizbullah Working to Consolidate Power in Lebanon
The Hizbullah terror organization is taking political and military steps to consolidate its power on the Lebanese front with Israel and in the Beirut halls of government.

Democrats say will push for Iraq withdrawal
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is ready to make "course adjustments" in Iraq, and will reach out to both parties in Congress, but it has not changed its overarching goal of...

Pakistan PM: U.S. attacks within borders unacceptable
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Pakistan is an ally of the United States in its war on terrorism but cannot abide U.S. strikes on militants within its borders, a Pakistani Prime Minister Shaukat...

Terrorist group Hamas has agreed to an international peace conference with Israel in a desperate attempt to start the flow of Western aid coming back to the Palestinian Authority coffers.  Earlier this weekend, Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh said he would resign if the U.S. would resume foreign aid.

"A multilateral conference doesn't make Hamas legitimate," Regev said. "What makes Hamas legitimate is accepting the international benchmarks."

"The Arab League statement said ministers sought a conference to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict "according to international resolutions and the principal of 'land for peace'." Arabs want Hamas to endorse a 2002 Arab initiative that calls for peace in exchange for land seized by Israel in the 1967 Middle East war — theWest Bank, the Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem."

At the same time, Israeli officials are saying that Israel must prepare for a full scale war with Syria and Iran.  Some military analyst's say they should have taken out Syria during the war with Hezbollah;

"Syria has consistently supplied Hizbullah with weapons, and according to recent UN reports, has continued to smuggle arms to the organization despite an international embargo. "If they had acted against Syria during this last kerfuffle, the war might have ended more quickly and better," American analyst Richard Perle said."  

"Syrian military installations are sitting ducks and the Syrian air force could have been destroyed on the ground in a couple of days," Perle continued.  

Certainly, I believe this peace conference is a precursor to the eventual peace agreement Israel will sign with the antichrist.  How far away that day maybe is anyone's guess.  

But in the meantime, Israel better get itself ready for a future major war.  Both events are prophetic and will happen.  Could this be another step toward fulfillment?

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Pastor Malone