Ahmadinejad: Final Steps About To Be Taken In Atomic Plan

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November 16, 2006

Iran says about to take "final step" in atomic plan
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Thursday his country would soon take the "final step" in its nuclear program, Iran's official news agency reported without...

N.Korea must show will to abandon nuclear arms: U.S
HANOI (Reuters) - The United States on Thursday said it wants a clear sign North Korea will take concrete steps toward giving up its nuclear weapons programs as they prepare for the next...

Abbas: Israel must resume talks, leave Arab lands
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday called on Israel to resume negotiations toward a final peace settlement, insisting on a full Israeli pullout from the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem.

EU Parliament: Send international force to Gaza
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday called on Israel to resume negotiations toward a final peace settlement, insisting on a full Israeli pullout from the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem.

As you can see from the lead story Iran is claiming that they are in the "final steps" of completing their atomic plan.  As I said in my last article, whether that's true or not is up for debate.  Personally, I tend to believe
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad because he's too dangerous not to.  

For this reason I agree with the former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Ahmadinejad is the Hitler of our day and must be stopped.  Although, I wouldn't say that he is the antichrist. But there will come a day when he (and a host of other nations) will be put down and probably sooner than we think.  As far as the Lord is concerned he's living on borrowed time.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is calling on Israel to get back to the bargaining table so that a final settlement can be worked out.  His demands...he wants Israel to completely leave the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.  

At this point, I don't know if peace or war will come first, but here are a few scenarios that may develop.

If war breaks out with Iran you can bet they're not coming alone.  As prophesied in Ezekiel 38 & 39, they will be bringing a host of Islamic nations led by Russia.  

Before the 2006 elections, I leaned on the belief that the attack on Israel would not take place until the U.S. was out of Iraq.  Now I don't think it even matters.  America and its allies aren't getting into any more wars unless it's a direct attack on them.  It would be political suicide and the American people wouldn't allow it.  Truthfully, I can't imagine a better time to attack Israel, but in the end, the outcome will shock the world.  

When the attack is over, Israel will not only reclaim the temple mount and rebuild their temple, they will also possess all of the Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Jerusalem.  Like previous battles, Israel will come away with a lot more than they started with.  But this time they're not giving it back.

It is at this time that the antichrist will rise, sort out the chaos, and later make a peace agreement with Israel and the Islamic world.  This agreement will once again bring stability to a world that seemed to be spinning out of control.

Scenario number two is more straight forward.  Just as it looks like the Middle East is about to explode into war (much like the present), the rapture of the church takes place freeing the way for the rise of the antichrist.  

Many feel the rapture will happen when the Lord comes to destroy Israel's enemies.  Others believe it will take place before the war occurs.

My guess is that it will happen before the Gog and Magog War of Ezekiel clearing the path for satan to choose his antichrist.  Just before the Middle East war breaks out the antichrist proposes a peace plan that actually works for all included...temporarily.

When I say temporarily, about six months to a year down the road the Islamic world, led by Russia, will invade Israel only to be defeated in the hills of Israel.  

Of course, the antichrist will respond since he vowed protection as part of the covenant, but it will be by God's supernatural power that Israel will be saved.

Some have asked if nuclear weapons will be used in this war?  If they are, only Israel's will work.  I believe that all missiles fired at Israel will actually turn around in mid air and explode on their enemies.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

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Pastor Malone