Ahmadinejad Tells Haniyeh Israel's Demise Is Near

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December 2, 2006

Iran-PA Summit: Ahmadinejad Tells Haniyeh Israel's Demise Near
The heads of Iran and the Palestinian Authority met Friday for the first time. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad assured the Hamas leader that Israel’s demise is within reach.

PA Claiming Israel Violating Cease-Fire, Rockets Continue
Palestinian Authority public relations efforts aimed at highlighting supposed Israeli violations of the Gaza cease-fire over the weekend. Arab violations continued unabated.

GA Resolution: Israel must withdraw from E.J'lem, Golan
The General Assembly approved six pro-Palestinian resolutions over United States and Israeli objections, culminating the annual United Nations debate aimed at showing the world body's solidarity with Palestinian demands for an independent homeland.

UN General Assembly to Israel: Drop Dead
The General Assembly overwhelmingly approved six pro-Palestinian resolutions over United States and Israeli objections, culminating the annual United Nations debate aimed at showing the world body's solidarity with Palestinian demands for an independent homeland and a rejection of Israeli security requirements and its historical claims. Only the United States and some south Pacific islands stood by Israel.

Did Condoleezza Rice commit felony by offering weapons to a terror group?
Rice endorsed the leadership of PA President Mahmoud Abbas, who leads the Al Aksa Brigades, listed as a terror group, and provides their weapons.

Solana: Hamas missed opportunity to help Gaza
Speaking to reporters after a Saturday afternoon meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, EU High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana expressed the European Union's sorrow ...

Radioactive substance found in Russian spy contact
LONDON (Reuters) - An Italian contact of former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko is "well" and preliminary tests show no sign of radiation poisoning, a British hospital said on Saturday.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in a meeting between the heads of Iran and the Palestinian Authority that Israel's destruction was within reach.

"Ahmadinejad assured Haniyeh that Israel’s destruction is no longer a dream, but well within reach. 'Today, scores of Western politicians are in doubt as to the future of this illegitimate regime and its existence has come under question. There is no doubt the Palestinian nation and Muslims as a whole will emerge victorious,' he said."  http://www.israelnationalnews.com/news.php3?id=116669

I don't know about you but I do gauge a lot of the prophetic future on what Ahmadinejad says.  I do believe that he will soon attack Israel and I certainly believe that many world politicians have little hope that Israel will be around much longer. 

I have said for many years that the day was coming when the U.S. and allies would cut their losses and abandon Israel to be destroyed by the coming invasion of Ezekiel 38 & 39.  The fact of the matter is, with Ahmadinejad speaking so boldly, Russia may already be committed to the coming war.  With Iraq in near civil war and Afghanistan still in doubt I just can't see the U.S. or the U.K. coming to their rescue.  Besides, the 2006 U.S. elections made it clear that the West was not about to engage in another war...especially of this magnitude.  The only question is...how soon is soon?

At the same time, the UN is passing meaningless resolutions demanding the Israelis to withdraw from the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and all territory captured in 1967.  The U.S. and Israel vehemently objected.

"The Foreign Ministry said in response to the resolutions made Friday night: 'Unfortunately, for a number of decades, the UN General Assembly tends to automatically pass a series of one-sided, unbalanced, anti-Israel resolutions from year to year.' 

'These resolutions don't promote peace and don't contribute anything to the Israelis or the Palestinians. The resolutions damage the status of the UN and its capacity to be involved in the Arab-Israeli conflict,' the Foreign Ministry said in response."  http://www.ynetnews.com/Ext/Comp/ArticleLayout/CdaArticlePrintPreview/1,2506,L-3335043,00.html

Syria struck back by saying that the U.S. was misusing its veto power to help their friend Israel.

Certainly, we watchers of prophecy have to take a step back and wonder if this isn't prophecy being fulfilled. 

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Pastor Malone