U.S. Official: If Iran Obtains Nuclear Weapons No One Can Promise It Would Not Use Them Against Israel 

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December 5, 2006

Hizbullah & Hamas Beating the War Drums
By most accounts, the difficulties encountered during the Second Lebanon War will dwarf the next battlefield scenario, with the IDF’s General Staff and Shin Bet warning that Gaza-based terrorists have prepared themselves by importing tons of military grade explosives into Gaza, along with millions of rounds of ammunition, automatic weapons, anti-tank rockets and much more.

If Iran obtains nuclear weapons no one can promise it would not use them against Israel
The designated defense secretary Robert Gates’ replied to the Senate committee’s at his confirmation hear Tuesday: “If Iran obtains nuclear weapons no one can promise it would not use them against Israel.”

Syria smuggling missiles to Hizbullah
Long-range missiles, as well as truckloads of advanced anti-tank missiles originating in Iran and Syria, have been smuggled to Hizbullah in Lebanon. 

Opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu: ...Israel should topple the Hamas government...
In a radio interview Tuesday, the former Likud prime minister questioned the current state leadership’s capabilities for preparing Israel’s armed forces for the “next war.”

'US won't order preemptive Iran strike'
Predicting Iran will obtain nuclear weapons by the end of the decade, the defense establishment's new and updated assessment for 2007 does not foresee the United States undertaking a preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear installations, The Jerusalem Post has learned.

Iran to complete nuclear R&D by March
While world powers meet in Paris to discuss Tehran sanctions, Iranian nuclear negotiator announces imminent completion of research and development

Official: US talks could isolate Israel
With the US Iraq Study Group expected to recommend on Wednesday that the US diplomatically engage Syria and Iran, Israeli government sources differ widely about the impact this type of engagement might have on Israel.

Israeli-Arabs Demand National Recognition
The Israeli-Arab sector insists on recognition as a "national minority," including the right to return to places they quit 58 years ago, changes to the flag and anthem, immigration quotas, and more.

Hamas Chief Promises War Even if PA State is Established
Khaled Meshaal, the Damascus-based leader of the Hamas terrorist organization, makes no bones: Either Israel leaves all of Judea, Samaria and Gaza and agrees to the 'right of return' - or war.

Yesterday, I brought you a news article that stated the next war Israel would fight would come from two different fronts and would dwarf the previous one.  

"2007 will be the year of war, both in Lebanon and in the Gaza Strip, and possibly even against Syria. It could happen this spring, or perhaps in the summer.

According to Military Intelligence's (MI) assessment for the coming year, there is a high probability that Israel will find itself fighting at least two wars on two fronts, one against the Hamas army being created in the Gaza Strip and the other against Hizbullah, working hard to regain its strength after the war this past summer."  http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1164881811205&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull

I have to believe that will be the case and it could turn out to be the prophesied war of Gog and Magog described in Ezekiel 38 & 39.  Certainly, I and other prophecy teachers have been writing about this war for sometime, but eventually it will come.

One of the things that concerns me is that the military buildup in Gaza and Lebanon is going completely unchecked by UN peacekeeping teams.  Israeli military sources say that the arms that are pouring into these two regions are more advanced and sophisticated than those used in the war just a few months ago.  

"The right-wing 'doomsday prophets' as they were dubbed by the 'peace camp' politicians are now sadly sitting back trying to understand how the obvious was and is still ignored. Since the IDF’s unilateral retreat from southern Lebanon in May 2000, Hizbullah has turned itself into a formidable army, backed by Iran and Syria, supplied with many Russian-made advanced weapons. On the southern front, the government’s insistence on carrying out the Disengagement Plan of August 2005 has created a similar scenario. With IDF forces out of Gaza, the Rafiah border crossing to Egypt has served as a conduit for advanced weaponry, permitting Gaza to become a miniature Lebanon. Even after the increase in Kassam rocket fire into the Sderot and western Negev areas, the government refuses to order a major military operation into northern Gaza, giving terrorists even more time to prepare for the next war."   http://www.israelnationalnews.com/news.php3?id=116773

The inevitable has finally happened.  The U.S. said that they will engage in diplomatic talks with Iran and Syria to help solve the problems in Iraq and the Middle East.  This is very bad news for Israel and will soon bring about a conflict of interest for the U.S. 

"A senior defense official said US talks with Iran would lead to a slippery slope that would eventually leave Israel alone facing the Iranian nuclear threat, other government officials indicated that US-Iranian talks were needed to stabilize the region since Iran was 'calling the shots' everywhere from Lebanon to Gaza."  http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1164881818845&pagename=JPost/JPArticle/Printer

If that wasn't sobering enough, designated U.S. defense secretary Robert Gates said at his confirmation hearing Tuesday that “if Iran obtains nuclear weapons no one can promise it would not use them against Israel.”  http://www.debka.com/

There is no doubt in my mind that these new U.S. policies will lead to them turning their back on Israel once and for all.  

If this wasn't a part of God's ultimate plan I'd have to say this is a sad day for Israel.  Fortunately, we know who will ultimately come out the winner.  

The only question is will we be here to witness it firsthand?  

At the end of the thousand-year reign of Christ, Satan will be released on the earth again. He will find many eager to follow him.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

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Pastor Malone