Syria Wants Peace But Are They Willing To Pay The Price At Least In Public

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December 22, 2006

Nuke Program Would Change GCC
ABU DHABI [MENL] -- The Gulf Cooperation Council's proposed nuclear energy program could fundamentally change the six Gulf Arab states.

Bush Signs Anti-Hamas Bill into Law
US President George W. Bush signed a law Thursday forbidding direct aid to the Hamas Authority - but not Fatah - until it accepts Israel. Two more men have been killed in Hamas-Fatah fighting.

US Middle East Commander Gen. John Abizaid puts in request for another carrier in Gulf region as warning to Syria and Iran
DEBKAfile’s military sources report that this request, revealed by a senior Pentagon official, is the first time in four years that an American general has asked for a special force as a deterrent for Syria and Iran.

Rocket Attacks and Israeli Restraint Continue
Prime Minister Olmert's restraint continues in the face of Kassam rockets slamming into Israel. He and Palestinian Authority chairman Abbas are talking about meeting.

Hamas, Fatah shoot it out
GAZA CITY (AP) -- Ferocious gunbattles broke out between Hamas and Fatah militants in Gaza and the West Bank early Friday, underscoring the fragility of a new truce between the rival factions. A Hamas militiaman injured in violence that touched off the Gaza City shootout died of his wounds.

Syria building 'death trap' villages
Warning that Israel may face a "Syrian intifada," a high-ranking officer in Northern Command has told The Jerusalem Post that villages recently built by Syria along the border are planned to be used as "death traps" for IDF troops in Hizbullah-inspired attacks.

North Korea nuke talks end without deal
BEIJING (AP) - The first talks on North Korea's nuclear program since the communist nation tested an atomic device ended Friday without an agreement to move ahead on disarmament or schedule further negotiations.

Iran: UN resolution won't stop nuclear work
Tehran remains defiant in face of planned US sanctions resolution against it.

Hamas threatens attacks on U.S.
TEL AVIV – Members of Hamas are debating whether to carry out attacks against the United States and may hit American targets if the U.S. continues to support Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' call for new elections, Hamas leaders told WND in a series of interviews.

Christians Optimistic as Nepal Government Signs Peace Agreement
KATHMANDU, NEPAL (ANS) -- After more than a decade of conflict between Nepal’s constitutional monarchy government and the Communist Maoist People’s Liberation Army, a peace agreement was recently signed on November 21, 2006. This conflict has caused much bloodshed and multitudes of displaced children.

Egyptian FM to visit Jerusalem for talks
Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit is set to visit Jerusalem next week, Israel Radio reported on Friday.

Egyptians demand that Israel hand over Eilat to Palestinians
Now that Gaza has been handed over to Palestinian control, Arab states, particularly Egypt, are looking to the next chunk of Israel to dispute: Eilat.

Peretz: Peace with Damascus a priority
Defense Minister Amir Peretz on Tuesday evening called for promoting diplomatic talks with Syria, Army Radio reported.

Speaking to IDF troops on the northern border, the defense minister said that the Israeli need for reaching a peace agreement with Damascus took precedence over foreign interests in the region.

Peres predicts eventual peace with Syria
Vice-Premier Shimon Peres says he is certain there will be peace between Syria and Israel "sooner or later." In an interview with The Jerusalem Post on Thursday, Peres said there was no alternative. "They won't have a choice. Nobody has a choice. War becomes so expensive. It doesn't bring any conclusion. It doesn't have any justification."

Gaza's residents rally for peace
The demonstration came a day after two members of the Fatah movement of President Mahmoud Abbas were killed in Gaza City, despite a formal ceasefire.

Jordanian king: Progress on peace critical in 2007
King Abdallah II of Jordan said Friday during a three day visit to Japan that 2007 would be a “very crucial” year for the peace process between Palestinians and Israelis, and warned of “disastrous” consequences if no progress were carried out.

Somalia is in a state of war with Ethiopia
Heavy fighting in Southern Somalia between Somalia and Ethiopia has caused fears the conflict could plunge the entire Horne of Africa into a crisis.

IDF: Hizbullah almost at full strength
Predicting that it is "just a matter of time" before Hizbullah attacks Israel, a high-ranking officer from the Northern Command revealed to The Jerusalem Post Wednesday that the Lebanese guerrilla group had nearly returned to full strength and was almost at the level it was before this summer's Lebanon war.

U.S., EU urge vote on Iran ban
NEW YORK -- The United States and European Union yesterday pushed for a U.N. Security Council vote as early as today on Iran sanctions, a diluted version that drops a U.S.-backed travel ban on Iranian nuclear officials in a bid to win Russian support.

Have you noticed how many countries are at war or are on the brink of war?  And have you noticed how many countries are frantically trying to achieve peace...especially in the Middle East?  In light of scripture and the day we're living in I find this amazing! (I Thessalonians 5:3)

Recently, Syrian President Bashar Assad has shown a tremendous amount of desire to restart peace talks with Israel, but Israeli Prime Minister Olmert says that is impossible since they are the chief supporters of their enemies Hezbollah and Hamas.  We should also add Iran to that list. I have to believe if peace were to prevail they would also be called upon to abandon Iran.

Many believed this sudden desire for peace by Syria is due to the toll of years of world economic isolation and they see Israel as their way out of their economic woes.  Among many other looming's estimated that Syria's oil reserves will run out in four or five years.

At a meeting in Moscow, Assad urged Russian President Putin to take a lead role in sponsoring peace talks in the Middle East.

"Russia could become the sponsor of the Middle East peace process and carry out this role effectively," Assad told the press.

Although, initially Russia may attempt to take the lead sponsoring role in the Middle East, I believe it will eventually shift to the European Union.  They will come up with the plan that will get everyone on the same page.

It's hard to say if war or peace will prevail in the Middle East first.  What I mean is, which will come first, the Gog and Magog War or the seven year peace plan the antichrist will bring?  Certainly, many believe that peace will come first followed by a revolt in the Middle East led by Russia (Ezekiel 38 & 39).  

Personally, I have a hard time believing that Israel would accept any peace offering Russia would bring to the table given their close ties with their Arab enemies...namely Iran (and Syria).  Last year, Russia erased nearly ten billion dollars of Syria's debt in an effort to further strengthen ties between the two countries.  That's one of the main reasons I believe the peace sponsorship will eventually fall to the E.U.  Of the four major power blocs...Russia, U.S., E.U., and China...they're the only one's I believe all sides feel may be the most non-partisan.

But not all is bad news on the bid for Middle East peace.  Israeli Vice-Premier Shimon Peres says "he is certain there will be peace between Syria and Israel 'sooner or later.' In an interview with The Jerusalem Post on Thursday, Peres said there was no alternative. They won't have a choice. Nobody has a choice. War becomes so expensive. It doesn't bring any conclusion. It doesn't have any justification."

President Bush has signed a bill "forbidding direct aid to the Hamas Authority - but not Fatah - until it accepts Israel".  

"The new U.S. law also denies visas to Hamas officials. It demands that Hamas acknowledge Israel's right to exist, give up terrorism against Israel, and adhere to existing agreements with Israel."

Eventually, Hamas is going to have to come into conformity with the rest of the world or face isolation.  Even though the E.U. recently sent a bad message to the rest of the world and resumed aid to the P.A. run Hamas government (dropping the demand that they recognize Israel) I think that will change.

Certainly, nothing has or will changed in the Middle East...peace or no peace.  Israel will always be in the crosshairs of the Islamic world no matter how many peace agreements they sign.  It's only a matter of time before it all comes to a final boil.  

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Pastor Malone