IDF: Prospects For Regional Conflict Higher In 2007

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January 10, 2007

IDF: Prospects for regional conflict higher in 2007

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The IDF has determined that there is a very high probability for a regional conflict into 2007.  According to a recent IDF assessment for 2007, Iran will reach the all-important technological threshold in nuclear research and development by the end of this year. 

The assessment also said that the Islamic Jihad movement is gaining strength in the region and that there is a high probability of war with either Syria or Lebanon/Hezbollah in 2007. 

So what is the forecast for the region for 2007?  Here is what a few experts have to say:

David Horovitz: The portents for 2007 are not good. Iran is pressing determinedly ahead toward a nuclear capability. Syria is rearming Hizbullah. And the Palestinian public shows no sign of internalizing the direct link between its choice of a terrorist leadership and the evaporation of prospects for a better future.

Daniel Pipes: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict will likely limp along, as at present, with no decisive developments. But the scene seems ripe for an unexpected event sending the conflict in an unexpected direction (such as happened in 2006 with the capturing of Israeli soldiers, and the consequent war).

This could include Ehud Olmert resigning the prime ministry due to corruption charges, Abbas assassinated by Hamas, a mega-terrorist attack on Israel, in which case, all bets are off.

Little decisive will happen vis-a-vis the Iranian nuclear program, I have predicted, until the US president either permits it to go ahead or deploys military force to prevent that from happening; everything else is just skirmishing of no great import.

Jonathan Tobin: 2007 will probably not bring a moment of truth for the confrontation over that rogue nation's nuclear ambitions. But the failure of the West to confront Teheran over its plans will only make it even more certain that in the not-too-distant future both the United States and Israel will face a terrible choice: either acquiesce to a nuclear Iran or take bold action to stop them.

Saul Singer: There will be no real progress in 2007 on the Palestinian front because the entire region is waiting to see who will gain the upper hand in the confrontation between Iran and the West.

Michael Freund: This coming year will be a year of decision for Israel and the West regarding Iran and its nuclear ambitions.


Indeed, the countdown has already begun, and with each passing day, the Ayatollahs are drawing closer to their goal of obtaining "the bomb". 

Of course, these writers are not taking into account what Scripture has to say nor the day we are living in.   

I will agree that the US and Israel have a daunting task ahead of them.  They will have to confront Iran or face much greater dangers in the future. 

But anyone who believes that turning a deaf ear to Iran's nuclear program will not come back to haunt them is fooling themselves. 

There are number of directions that I see the Iranian nuclear situation going: 

  1. 1. Israel and the U.S. do nothing and Iran achieves nuclear weapons capabilities.  Personally I don't see this happening.  I believe at least Israel will respond.  I do not believe public opinion will allow the U.S. to get involved.
  3. 2.  Israel attacks Iran's nuclear facilities and successfully destroys them with no Iranian retaliation.  It's highly unlikely that there would be no retaliation, but it's one thing to say you have the ability to destroy Israel and actually do it.  After losing its nuclear facilities Iran may be forced to accept their losses.
  5. 3.  Scenario number 2 takes place; Iran retaliates but is quickly defeated by Israel.  I don't believe this conflict will break out into more than a short-lived battle.  Yes, it would probably include Syria and Hezbollah, but the Bible is clear that Israel will not be defeated after they have reoccupied their land. 
  7. 4.  Scenario number 2 takes place and the battle of Gog and Magog breaks out (Ezekiel 38 & 39).  We need to realize that Russia is heavily invested in Iran's nuclear program and may take part in the retaliation.  For whatever reason, the Bible says that Russia will lead this battle in the last days.  This may be the catalyst that sets this war in motion.
  9. 5.  Israel, the U.S., or both are on the verge of attacking Iran's nuclear facilities.  Just before this takes place a peace proposal is presented and adopted.  The crisis is averted and remarkably real peace is established…temporarily.

Certainly, there are many more possibilities that could be raised but this is a skeleton look at what I believe the future could hold.

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Pastor Malone