Blair: Progress Made In ME Peace Process; Hamas & Fatah Work Out Deal

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February 5, 2007

Blair: Progress soon in peace process

Truth Emerges in Hamas-Fatah Draft Agreement

Iran Denies Its General was Arrested in Gaza

Report: Iranian Nuclear Scientist 'Assassinated'

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Israel has taken on a new strategy in destroying Iran's nuclear capabilities and it looks like a good one.  Over the weekend, it was reported that a top prize winning nuclear scientist from Iran had died of mysterious causes.  An unnamed Israeli intelligence source said that he was assassinated by Mossad the Israeli version of the US CIA.  Iranian scientist Ardeshire Hassanpour, a nuclear physicist, was poisoned and he probably won't be the last. 

The Hamas and Fatah terrorist groups look to have mended their differences for now unveiling a draft of a new Hamas-Fatah deal.  The agreement rejected the US lead roadmap plan, left Hamas in charge of the government and did not call for them to recognize Israel.  It also did not call for Hamas to renounce its original goal of the ultimate destruction of Israel.  Below are the five points of the agreement in its current form:

• States the objective of a unity government will be the creation of an independent Arab nation with Jerusalem as its capital.
• “Opposition to the temporary borders and all other solutions that do not fulfill the national legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.”
• Calls for the “right of return” of millions of Arabs living in other countries who claim Israel as home.
• Demands that the separation barrier be removed.
• Demands that “all prisoners in Israel be released unconditionally."

To many in the prophetic world this would be a major setback to the timing of the rapture.  But the truth of the matter is, it has nothing to do with the rapture or its timing.  The only thing necessary for the rapture to take place is the rebirth of Israel.  Earthquakes and natural disasters aren't near as bad as they're going to get.  This world isn't near as dangerous as it is going to get.  

Once the rapture takes place this world will change dramatically in a very short amount of time.  Although we should look at the signs around us, they should not be a barometer for when the rapture will take place.  I can still remember the e-mails I got at the beginning of the Israeli war with Hezbollah and Lebanon.  The writers of these e-mails were just sure the Lord was coming in the next few weeks and months.  I'm sure I will be getting those same e-mails this summer as we draw closer to a projected Middle East war.  And don't get me wrong, I do believe the Lord could come back anytime and rapture the church, but it will be in his time.  As we've seen, the attempts at solving Middle East peace have seesawed back-and-forth for many many years and will continue to do so until the Lord is ready to take His church home.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who has been involved in the Middle East peace process for a decade, and has made it a top priority throughout his tenure is very optimistic about the future of Middle East peace.  In fact, he says significant progress is being made and will be announced soon.

"World leaders agreed that the Israeli-Palestinian crisis was the single most important factor influencing world peace, Blair told BBC radio, adding that a breakthrough could be made soon."

"Our obligation is to put forward a peace process that can work and try and take that forward," he said, according to extracts released in advance by the BBC. "And over the next few weeks I think there will be some real movement there."

Blair went on to say that he even intends on being a part of this process for years to come even after he leaves office in September of 2007.

I think special attention should be given not to the fact that Middle East peace is progressing but that world leaders agree that the Israeli-Palestinian crisis is the single most important factor influencing world peace.  To me that's shocking, especially in these last days, where the world would see such an insignificant nation (Israel) as holding the key to world peace.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

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Pastor Malone