Prophecy Alert: London Paper Reports Israel Seeking US Consent To Fly Over Iraq For Iran Strike

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February 24, 2007

PAPER: Israel seeking consent to fly over Iraq for Iran strike...

Sneh: Israel not planning to attack Iran

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This just in: Sources for The Daily Telegraph (London paper) have revealed that Israel and United States are in negotiations to seek permission for Israeli fighter jets to cross over Iraqi airspace to perform precision air strikes against Iran's nuclear facilities.  Israel has denied that they intend to attack Iran but are planning for every possibility.

"We are planning for every eventuality, and sorting out issues such as these are crucially important," said the official, who asked not to be named.

"The only way to do this is to fly through US-controlled air space. If we don't sort these issues out now we could have a situation where American and Israeli war planes start shooting at each other."

Since the beginning of 2007, Israel has stepped up the pace of its military planning when military analysts projected that Iran could have a nuclear bomb by 2009.

If you remember, back on January 24, 2007 I brought you an article entitled "WW3 Almost Started 11 Days Ago! Israeli Nuclear Strike On Iran Turned Back By USAF Jets on January 7th".  You can read about this article at  

The article essentially uncovers a hidden mission by Israel to bomb Iran with three 20 kiloton nuclear bombs, but the mission had to be aborted when US fighter jets intercepted the Israeli warplanes flying over Iraqi airspace without permission.  And as stated in the article, this wasn't the first time they've attempted this mission.  Apparently, there were also aborted missions in early 2006 and late 2005.

What's more shocking, the missions were one-way trips and the target was Tehran and not the nuclear facilities.  Their objective: To take out Iran's leadership once and for all. 

Today's article only backs up the validity of what was reported back on January 24, 2007 to likely be true.  Could we have really been that close to the start of World War III?

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Pastor Malone