U.S. Strikes On Iranian Targets Could Be As Soon As This Week; Arab Leaders: No Peace Until Palestinian State Established

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April 2, 2007

Saudi official: Arabs will normalize with Israel after creation of Palestinian state

IDF, gov't preparing for possible Syrian strike on Golan Heights

U.S. Deems Iran Main Threat

Turkey Again Rejects U.S. Military Request

'Israel should leave 'Arab' territory'

Israel denies any intention to strike Lebanon, Syria in summer conflict

Iran and Saudi Arabia discuss mutual defense pact, Cairo weighs restoring diplomatic relations with Tehran

Hamas: We're ready to defend Gaza

Syria, PA boo PM's call for joint summit

Peretz green lights pinpoint strikes

Hamas readies for 'coming' war with Israel

Damascus airport has become the hub for thousands of Hizballah, Hamas, Jihad Islami fighters heading out to Iranian training camps

The continued call of wars and rumors of wars has the US striking Iran as soon as April 6th and Israel waging war against Hamas, Syria, and Lebanon by this summer.

At the same time, Arab leaders are declaring that there will be no peace with Israel until a Palestinian state is created. They are also calling for Israel to leave any Arab territory as soon as possible if they are serious about peace.

The Arab world has Israel just about where they want them willing to give away anything and everything in exchange for the mere promise of peace.  But even in their blindness God will not allow Israel to be removed from their land no matter the odds.

It's hard to say which will prevail first...peace or war.  Short of a miracle from God, it looks as though the US will be striking Iranian targets very soon.  Is this the prophesied war of Gog and Magog described in Ezekiel 38 & 39?  I don't think so simply for the reason that Israel is said to be in a time of peace when this war breaks out.  Secondly, scripture doesn't support Israel as being the aggressor of this prophesied war.  When they are attacked it will be a surprise.

This is a very perplexing time for Bible prophecy.  Although the winds of war are blowing strong I still believe peace is not far away and may even be at the door.

To many who read my articles, the phrase "Are you ready to meet the Lord?" is met with a resounding yes!  But to those who have put off coming to the Lord that day may be closer than you think.  Don't let another day go by for tomorrow may be too late.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Want to know more about becoming a Christian click here.

If you haven't had a chance to take a look at my book "Revelation Revealed", I encourage you to go to my website and explore what this book has to offer.  I believe it will give you a clear understanding of the end times and the order in which it may come.  Pick up a copy today for yourself or a loved one who does not know the Lord.  I know it will be a spiritual blessing to you and will help support this ministry.

Terry Malone