Abbas To Bush: Resume Peace Talks Now; Where This Summer's Middle East War Could Lead

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June 18, 2007

Abbas to Bush: Resume peace talks now

EU, Bush express support to Abbas

All EU countries will lose if there's no treaty deal: Germany

Report: Assad linked to Katyusha rocket attack

Israeli PM to go to Washington to meet with Bush

S. Korea nuclear negotiator says 6-party talks may resume in July+

Lebanese Troops Resume Bombardment

Blair blasts critics in final defense of Iraq war...

Nuke bunkers in vogue in Germany as cold war fears rise...

U.S. Poised to Lift Palestinian Embargo...

Solana: EU to reinstate aid to Palestinians

In an article I read today it said that Israel was more vulnerable today due to the lightning fast victory by Hamas over Fatah in the south and the threat of war by Hezbollah and Syria in the north.

Syria is banging the drums of war and has said if Israel does not return the Golan Heights they will in so many words take it back by force.  Israel has countered that they have no desire to go to war with Syria (officially they're still at war) but warned that it would be a serious miscalculation for them to attack Israel.

Here's the situation...Israel is now faced with a formidable enemy to the south in Hamas which has been trained and bankrolled by Iran.  To the north they (Israel) have Hezbollah who is receiving funding and training from Syria.  Both terrorist groups are ready and armed to do battle against Israel and it's very likely that Syria may join the conflict slated for this summer.  Certainly, we shouldn't count out Iran, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Libya, Saudi Arabia and a host of other Islamic countries joining in on the attack.

In today's Jerusalem Newswire, the headlines read "Olmert, Straw-Clutching: Now We Have Chance For Peace".  After reading the article I actually believe that Prime Minister Olmert thinks the proposed land for peace deal with Syria is a real opportunity for peace.  This couldn't be further from the truth and as Bible prophecy unfolds this fallacy will be brought to light.

At the same time, the European Union is volunteering military assistance (if asked) to help guard the borders in an attempt to prevent weapons smuggling and terrorists from firing rockets into Israel.  And by all accounts, this possibly could be a real military presence.  Whether they will be granted the power by the parties involved ( Egypt, Israel and the PA) to use force remains to be seen. Personally, I think they will eventually be given those powers.

This is what I see for the future.  I see Israel on the verge of a real war.  Israel's enemies believe that they are more vulnerable now than in any time in recent history, and truthfully, by man's assessment they probably are.  At present, their leadership is very weak and their military has little faith in them. But God will use this opportunity to show the world that what He said in His Word is true...that it was by His great power that Israel has been replanted in their land and will never be uprooted again (Amos 9:14-15; Ezekiel 37:10-14, 37:21-22 & 38:8).  

There's also another side to the coin.  I also look for the antichrist to come on the scene (following the rapture of the church) and follow through with the European Union's offer of bringing in a full-blown military.  At some point in time, after the deployment of troops, the success of his plan will bring about a seven-year peace plan in which he will continue to oversee.  Somewhere between the deployment and the signing of the peace agreement he will become the first European Union president.

Several things you should know about this theory.  First, this is only a theory and should be taken as such.  Second, the EU leader who oversees the initial military deployment to the Middle East probably will not know he is the antichrist at that time.  But following the rapture, satan will be granted the ability to give him unparalleled success in global finance and foreign policy, and to bring about a Middle East peace previously believed to be unattainable.  I also foresee him solving the EU constitution problem that has almost become as difficult as bringing Middle East peace.

The Bible says that the whole world will look upon him and wondered after this man saying, "Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? (Revelation 13:4 & 5)"

The question is when will all this began to happen?  The answer is still the could happen at any moment starting with the rapture of the church.  For when the rapture takes place things will change dramatically in moments time.  Yes, the US will still be the world leader but that will change in time.  For satan will allow no man or country to rule over him.

The only question is, will the next world event begin with peace, war or the prospect of war that turns into peace?  Are we sitting on the cusp of the time when the antichrist will step in and bring peace on the verge of all out Middle East war? 

Certainly, I can't answer these questions...but as we draw closer to a proposed summertime war I have to believe that some major prophetic events are just ahead.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

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Terry Malone