Blair In Israel As Peace Envoy; Seen As Mission Impossible

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July 24, 2007

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Quartet Middle East peace envoy Tony Blair, is in Israel today to meet with both Palestinian and Israeli leaders.  Most Palestinians don't see much hope for Mr. Blair having success since they see his country (UK) as being the instigator of Israel becoming a nation in the first place.

While in the area Blair has refused to meet with Hamas leaders and some feel this is a mistake.  

"He must be fair," said Ismail Haniya, the former Palestinian prime minister.

"He should correct the mistakes he made as Britain's prime minister. We are ready for dialogue with Blair, and even the Quartet. All we want is justice for the Palestinian people."

Whether or not his mission to the Middle East will be fruitful will be up to the Lord.  I realize his critics believe that due to his connection with President Bush and the Iraq War many in the Arab world mistrust him and believe he has blood on his hands.  They also see him as an agent for the US and Israel and not really there to help the Palestinian people.

Some political analysts have predicted that he would last about one year before resigning in frustration.  That certainly could be the case and will be the case if he is not God's man (antichrist) for the job...and whether or not we like to think of it in terms of 'God's man for the job' that's exactly what the antichrist will be.  The future antichrist will eventually be a part of the unholy trinity but their successes rely solely upon the will of God. The truth is, they can't make one single move without God first putting it in satan's mind.

What do I see for the future of Mr. Blair's tenure as Quartet Middle East peace envoy?   Of course, there are two directions his career could take within the next year. He could go the way of his predecessors and add his name to the long list of those who have failed before him. Certainly, that would surprise no one and prophecy watchers could confidently cross his name off the list.

On the other hand, he could become a world sensation. What many don't realize is, no matter what Tony Blair has done in the past or how the Arab world feels about him, if God has ordained for him to succeed in this area he will succeed.  

Personally, I see him obtaining progressive successes in the weeks and months ahead.  His job description may start out as strictly building institutions for the Palestinian state, but in time, it will be expanded to a negotiations role and eventually he will control the whole peace process. 

As peace talks progress, I see him convincing the Israelis to give up land and making other deep concessions that will frankly shock the Arab world.  Whether or not they will trust Tony Blair I don't believe will ever be an issue.  They will get exactly what they want and essentially give up nothing more than a simple promise of peace they never intend on keeping.  The Arab world will gladly sign the peace agreement knowing in their heart they are one step closer to achieving their ultimate goal of destroying Israel once and for all.  

This agreement will bring worldwide fame to Tony Blair as a peace maker but will place Israel in a very vulnerable and dangerous position. The agreement may even include a promise of protection from the West which they will in the end abandon. 

But shortly after the peace agreement is signed, the Russian-Arab Alliance  will come down upon Israel like a great storm (Ezekiel 38:9).  The whole world will look upon Israel and pronounce their impending doom, but none will come to their rescue.  The risk will just be to great. 

But just as Israel's annihilation looks all but certain, God will miraculously intervene and destroy their enemies (Ezekiel 38:1-23).  This will be seen as a great miracle by many worldwide (Ezekiel 38:23).  Israel will then rebuild their Temple and reclaim much, if not all, of their lost land.

At some point, the EU will sort out their constitutional problems and elect a permanent president.  Through Tony Blair's progressive peace efforts in the Middle East and possibly around the world, he will be an obvious choice to be the European Union's first president.  This rise to the presidency will probably come shortly after his peace successes.

Which scenario will Mr. Blair's future eventually fulfill? As stated earlier, that's up to the Lord.  In six months he could prove to be just another man in a long line of failed politicians who have attempted to bring peace to the Middle East.  But one thing is for sure, someday very soon someone will rise up and bring this false Middle East peace to the region (Daniel 9:27).  Are we on the cusp of this coming to pass?

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

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Terry Malone