Israel's Barak Dismisses Peace Push "Fantasies"

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August 10, 2007

Israel's Barak dismisses peace push "fantasies"

Barak: No Difference Between Fatah and Hamas

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Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak essentially told the world today not to hold their breath regarding and Israel-Palestinian peace agreement coming to pass any time soon.  In fact, he called that kind of optimism 'fantasy'.  He did however give a possible time frame of around three to five years which he believes is the time it will take to figure out a solution for the rocket attacks.

"What will determine the situation in the end is if Abu Mazen (Abbas) and (Palestinian Prime Minister) Salam Fayyad are capable of implementing anything in the West Bank," Barak was quoted as saying.,2506,L-3435942,00.html

He also went on to say that he would not be removing Israeli roadblocks and checkpoints contrary to what Israeli insider sources are claiming.

Apparently, Fatah members are infiltrating Gaza City in an effort to topple the reigning Hamas government.  It has been reported that they are operating under the name al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades – Samih al-Madhoun Cells and have carried out numerous missions to date.  

The Hamas leadership is aware of this and have begun stepping up its arrest of Fatah activists.

A journalist has claimed that in order to save (unite) America we will have to have another 9/11 catastrophe.  If you have time, take a look at his article.  Parts of it I do agree with, and certainly, there are parts I disagree with, but he does make some valid points.

Is America heading for another 9/11 size catastrophe?  I don't think there's a question in any intelligence officers mind that America is living on the brink and that's probably where we'll (if this nation is still around) remain until Jesus comes.  Actually, I have to believe that terrorism will be a thing of the past when the antichrist rules.  

Recently, I received an e-mail from a concerned long time reader of mine that I was leaning toward a pro-government position since I had come out in favor of the recent congressional passage of the Foreign Wiretap Bill.  Let me put your mind at ease, I am definitely pro-Constitution and stand behind what our founding fathers believed in and died for.  But under the circumstances I do happen to agree with the passage of this bill in its limited form.  Under its present form, I believe that 99.9% of American citizens can rest assured that their rights will not be violated any more than they were before the passage of the bill.  

If you haven't had a chance to look over this newly passed bill go to your favorite news site and do a search on Foreign Wiretap Bill.  If you have a mind to, I would love to know what you think about this new bill whether you like it or dislike it and why. 

Personally, I believe it will keep America safer and prevent future terrorist attacks as it has since 9/11 (yes, we have been doing this for some time without official congressional approval).  But what's your opinion?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Terry Malone

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Terry Malone