EU Officials Reportedly Conducting Secret Meetings With Hamas; satan's First Known Attempt To Bring About His antichrist

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August 29, 2007

EU officials reportedly conducting secret meetings with Hamas

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Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, believing that war is unlikely with Syria, has ordered the rotation of troops out of the Golan Heights.  

This is a little soon for me, especially since Syria's ultimatum for Israel to give up the Golan Heights or there would be war stretched from August to October.  Look for a Hezbollah rocket and ground attack to occur in the near future. The ground attack will probably focus on the Golan Heights while the rocket attacks will be targeted at major cities throughout Israel.

It has been reported that EU officials have been conducting secret meetings with terrorist group Hamas for the last few weeks.  According to the pan Arab daily Asharq Alawsat, Palestinian leader Abbas has also been in contact with Hamas and it is believed that they are in the process of laying the groundwork for a reunification.

"Hamas was prepared to cede to Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas control of PA institutions and bases in the Gaza Strip, in return for a renewal of the unity government, reforms in the PLO [Palestinian Liberation Organization] and reinstating the Palestinian parliament, Israel Radio quoted a report from the pan Arab daily Asharq Alawsat as saying Wednesday.

I have no doubt that Hamas and Fatah will reunify under Palestinian Authority Chairman Abbas.  That certainly doesn't mean that they are friends again but they will reunite due to their common goal of the destruction of Israel.

The real news, however, is that the EU is playing a vital part in negotiating toward peace in the Middle East.  Apparently, Hamas leaders approached visiting EU officials in an attempt to ask their help in relieving UN sanctions against them and to convince Israel to reopen the Rafah border crossing between Gaza and Egypt.  

"We hope these talks will be the first step toward ending the boycott of Hamas, which came to power in a free and democratic election," the sources told the paper. "There is growing awareness among the Europeans of the fact that Hamas can't be ignored as a major player in the Palestinian arena."

Although I believe they are a dangerous terrorist group, it is very unlikely that peace will be established without Hamas in the picture.  Eventually, they will be back in the spotlight and get the world recognition that they long for.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy wants the EU to take a greater role on the world stage as a decision-maker. "Europe must progressively affirm itself as a first-rank player for peace and security, in co-operation with the United Nations, the Atlantic Alliance and the African Union", Mr Sarkozy said in the first foreign policy speech of his presidency on Monday (27 August).

I have to admit, Mr. Sarkozy seems to be the present rising star of the EU.  In fact, I would call him the new Tony Blair.  I would definitely keep my eye on him in the future.

Of course, we as prophecy watchers like to jump on any one who comes out and makes a big splash, especially if they come out of the EU.  We have our criteria for what the antichrist must do and the characteristics he must possess. Certainly, these characteristics and telltale signs the Bible has given us are correct and should be taken seriously.  He will come and possess every attribute the Bible has foretold.  

The question is whether we will see his satanic attributes exposed on this side of the rapture.  Some believe we can and will...others feel that it will probably be after the rapture before he is revealed.  I think most are convinced that he is on the world scene at this time but has not been approached by satan as of yet.  When I say approached I mean just that.

Here's a bombshell that I'm going to unload today.  I believe it is possible that the temptation of Jesus Christ may have been the first known attempt by satan to bring about his antichrist.  Certainly, there's no question that this attempt was in vain, but nonetheless, it was an attempt.  I have to believe that when satan makes his final attempt at bringing about his antichrist it will be in similar fashion.  Take a look at the Scripture that speaks of this temptation:

"Again, the devil taketh him [Jesus] up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;  And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me."  (Matthew 4:8 & 9)

These words satan will speak once more but I don't believe it will be until after the rapture of the church.  In fact, the person who you think is most unlikely to achieve such prominence and who possesses none of the biblical attributes of the antichrist (on this side of the rapture) may very well be the person satan ends up selecting.  But you can bet he will possess every characteristic and attribute down to the smallest detail after satan indwells him.

Does satan have the power to give this man the kingdoms of the world?  He will on that day!

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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Terry Malone