PA Leaks 8-Point Agreement Made Between Olmert And Abbas; US Officials Begin Crafting Iran Bombing Plan

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September 11, 2007

PA Leaks 8-Point Agreement Made With Olmert

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An unnamed senior Palestinian official has told Israel Radio that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas have drafted a statement of principles ahead of the November Middle East peace summit to be hosted by the US.

Although both governments deny any document has been signed sources say it is on a fast track to being approved.  The Israeli government had this to say in response to the report. "No agreement or draft has been written, and when one will exist it would be brought to the government for approval."

The denials of the existence of a document of this magnitude is standard procedure and probably won't be fully disclosed until after the November peace summit.  But in an exclusive by Ma'an News Agency, they claim they have received a copy of the statement of principles written in Hebrew.  The following is an exact translation of the 1 page document:

"The Israeli leadership and the PLO leadership must immediately get involved in an operation which once completed will lead to the establishment of two states – Israel and Palestine. Relying on a basic declaration of principles and understandings as follows:

1. Israel to end its occupation of the West Bank within an greed period of time. Gradual withdrawal and evacuation of Israeli settlements. Each evacuated area will be turned over to the Palestinian Authority where law and order will prevail. And law and order will be established in Gaza as part of the process which will enable Israel to see the West Bank and the Gaza Strip as one political entity.

2. An unarmed Palestinian state within the 1967 borders. The specific details of the borders will be determined according to security needs, demographic developments and humanitarian requirements. This will pave the way for an equal territorial exchange. Israel will keep some settlement blocs and maintain geographic contiguity in Palestine and horizons for economic prosperity.

3. There will be two capitals in Jerusalem, one for Israel and one for Palestine. The Israeli neighbourhoods will be under Israeli sovereignty and the Arab neighbourhoods under Palestinian sovereignty. There will be cooperation between both authorities which will allow for better administration of people's lives.

4. Special arrangements will be prepared to secure access to Holy places for all religions. A special administrative authority will be established to organise access of both people to Holy places in the Old City of Jerusalem.

5. Palestine to be declared a national homeland for the Palestinian people and Israel to be declared a national homeland for the Jewish people.

6. A just solution to be agreed on for the problem of the Palestinian refugees with recognition of their suffering and understanding of their individual right within the framework of a comprehensive solution.

7. Both sides to declare the end of conflict and endeavour to gain public support as much as possible and both sides to do their best to cooperate against any aspect of terrorism and violence from either of the two states against the other.

8. Both sides to consider this agreement as being in accordance with the principles of the peace initiative proposed by the Arab League. Both will call the Arab League to positive steps towards full implementation of that initiative. They will also call on the international community and the International Quartet to intervene and provide aid in different ways to push the agreement forward.

This agreement which is based on the 8 principles must be reached before the US-sponsored autumn peace summit. It will then be proposed and documented as international resolutions, the statement read.

Immediately after the international summit and simultaneously with ongoing negotiations to reach a detailed agreement, Israel will start to withdraw its forces and evacuate settlements from territories in the West Bank. Completion of the stages of evacuation will be done in tandem with the completion of the negotiations, the statement added.

However, the PLO's chief negotiator, Saeb Erekat denied that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert have drafted any agreement on final settlement issues. He said that the appointed teams of both sides are to draft the agreement.

Certainly, this could be the seven-year agreement the Bible has prophesied for thousands of years (Daniel 9:27).  But it could also be the pre-agreement that brings down the Russian-Islamic alliance prophesied in Ezekiel 38:1-23 & 39:1-12.  If you remember, Ezekiel writes, just before the attack, Israel would be living under peace and safety (Ezekiel 38:8-14) in their own land.  So far, that day (peace & safety) has not come to Israel, but if all goes as planned, following the summit, that day may arrive. 

Theory #1: Even though this agreement may have a seven-year (?) timeline attached to it, it will be cut short by the invading armies of the North.  And as Iranian President Ahmadinejad unknowingly prophesied they will come upon Israel as a great storm (Ezekiel 38: 9), but will be miraculously defeated by God Almighty.

Following this great war and defeat, a leader out of the European Union will come on the scene and bring peace to the Middle East confirming the peace plan the Israelis and the Arab nations started (Daniel 9:27).  Included in this agreement will likely be a guarantee of Israel's security and may even allow for them to become full members of the EU.  But halfway through the seven-year plan he (antichrist) to will betray Israel.

Theory #2:  Israel and the Palestinian Authority go to the November peace summit, and either on that day or sometime in the near future, agree to a Middle East peace plan.  A leader out of the European Union will be given credit for making peace a reality.

The plan will call for Israel and the Palestinian Authority to accomplish all written articles within the seven-year timeframe of the agreement.

Within one year, Russia and host of Islamic nations will break the peace and attack Israel.  But as the Bible predicted over 2000 years ago ( Ezekiel 38 & 39) these invading armies will be soundly and miraculously defeated.

Following this great defeat, the antichrist will restore calm to the Middle East and reassure Israel of his future protection.  World peace will prevail for another 2-3 years, but at the halfway point of  the peace agreement, the antichrist will betray Israel and declare himself to be God.

Both Theories Sound Identical
You may say, both theories seem to sound the same.  They do seem to be the same but with these differences.  In theory #1 the original agreement will be signed without the involvement of the antichrist.  He will not get involved until after the Russian-Islamic alliance attacks Israel. But following the war, he will restore calm to the Middle East and guarantee Israel's safety from that point on.  He will confirm the peace treaty that the Islamic nations made with Israel and from that time on will begin the seven-year tribulation period.

In theory #2 the antichrist is involved throughout the Middle East peace process and will be given credit for making it a reality.  But, shortly into the agreement, the Russian-Islamic alliance will attack Israel. Following the defeat of Russian-Islamic alliance the antichrist will restore calm but no new agreement will be made.  He will, however, take measures that will assure the world that the Middle East peace agreement is still in tact and unaffected.  Miraculously, Middle East peace will go forward for another 2-3 years until the antichrist breaks it himself.

Truthfully, whether either of these theories play out as scripted would be a miracle, but at least this will give you a guide as to what the future could hold.

Either way, Jesus is coming soon and Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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Terry Malone