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Rice Meets Abbas In Search Of Conference Accord; Says Peace Parley Must Be Substantive

Former US President Jimmy Carter has come out and dismissed the Iranian threat to Israel as "almost inconceivable".  Well pardon me if we don't put down our weapons and start singing in unison Kum ba yah around the campfire.  Former President Carter has a whole lot more faith in Israel's enemies than I do and certainly knows little about the future of  Bible prophecy.  Once again, he has proven that his judgment in foreign affairs is questionable at best.  In saying this, I am reminded that the Bible commands Christians to pray for their leaders or those in authority (I Timothy 2:1-2).

Osama bin Laden has sent out another video.  This time it is a message urging the Pakistani people to rebel against ruling President Pervez Musharraf.  As I stated in a previous article, a recent Pakistani poll showed that bin Laden was more popular than President Pervez Musharraf and it really wasn't that close.

It will be interesting to see what the reaction will be from militant groups and the Pakistani public at large following this video message.  The US is very concerned that President Musharraf, who recently agreed to step down (under pressure & if re-elected) as commander-in-chief of the military, could be killed or voted out of office and replaced by a bin Laden sympathizer.  

It's unlikely that bin Laden himself would rise to power in Pakistan but that's certainly not out of the question.  If that were to happen I would have to believe the US and allies would immediately declare war on Pakistan.  This very well could be another option as to how the great war described in Revelation 6:2-8 begins.

After analyzing the recent Israeli strike on an alleged Syrian nuclear facility, some now believe that this bombing had many purposes, one of which may have been to send a message to the entire Middle East (particularly Iran) that Israel will not tolerate a nuclear armed enemy in the region.  And judging from the lack of condemnation from around the world most have silently agreed.  Not so much that Israel be the only probable nuclear power, but that it is in the best interest of the world the no other Middle East nation obtain this technology. 

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is in the Middle East today meeting with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas in an attempt to negotiate differences between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.  She also came with a message for both sides that the "upcoming US-sponsored Middle East conference must be 'substantive,' and that the two sides must draft a document before the meeting that lays 'foundations for serious negotiations.'"

"The conference 'has to be substantive and advance the cause of a Palestinian state,' Rice told a joint news conference with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. Participants must not 'simply meet for the sake of meeting,' she said.",2506,L-3451668,00.html

Rice met with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Wednesday and plans another meeting toward the end of the week.

Even though past history dictates that this will likely be just another failed attempt at Middle East peace I have a feeling that, at the very least, this conference will take us much closer to realizing the goal at hand.  

Although the world has a hard time seeing it, the Bible is clear that (temporary) peace will come (Daniel 9: 27).  For some reason I see this conference differently than other past attempts.  I believe this summit will bring peace or put us on a fast track to a future peace.

The real struggle between now and then will be to get Israeli lawmakers to bend and compromise national security.  Yes, I do believe that Israel would be committing suicide to agree to many of the core issues that the Palestinian Authority/Arab League have laid out.  Land for peace proposals have never worked with the Islamic world, and frankly, neither will this one.  Eventually, they will come calling...engaging Israel in their to date war of wars ( Ezekiel 38 & 39).  I say to date because they will be involved in greater wars than this in the future (Armageddon-Revelation 19:11-21 & Final Millennium Battle-Revelation 20:8-10).

While peace is being sought, Israel has now declared Gaza/Hamas a hostile entity.  Israeli Defense Minister Barak is threatening to turn off power and water to the Gaza Strip in response.  Hamas has replied that Israel's designation is a declaration of war and that they would pay.  

Today, Israel foiled an Hamas suicide bombing attempt.  

Defense Minister Barak says that a major attack on Gaza is near.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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