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Arab Nations Still Not On Board With ME Peace Summit: But They Will Soon

With less than a month and a half to go before the start of the November US sponsored Middle East peace summit only two (besides the Palestinian Authority) Arab countries have committed to take part - Egypt and Jordan.

The word on the street is that most Arab nations believe that this is just another failed attempt at talks that will prove to bring no measurable results.  Many feel it is a waste of time.

One Arab diplomat said, "This conference is intended to make [US President George W.] Bush and [US Secretary of State Condoleezza] Rice look good in the eyes of the Arabs and Muslims. The two are just trying to show some kind of an achievement before they leave office. Why should we, the Arabs, provide them with an excuse by going to such a conference?"

Another Arab politician stated that his country would not attend "because Israel has nothing to offer."

In further explaining himself he said, "If anyone thinks that Israel is going to offer the Arabs something new, he is totally mistaken. [Prime Minister Ehud] Olmert is facing many problems at home, and he's not in a position to make a serious offer."

In time, I believe that most if not all the Arab nations will eventually agree to attend.  I also believe that something significant may be on tap to take place at this summit.  I won't step out and say that a peace accord will be signed, although it wouldn't surprise me if one was, but I do feel that this summit could play a major role in advancing peace to a level not previously obtained.  

Eventually, I believe Israel and the Palestinians will agree to a seven-year timeline to work out all core issues, established official boundaries, and integrate the Palestinian state in the world community.

To make a Palestinian state possible will take a tremendous amount of financial support. With that in mind, the UN has organized an international donors conference that will take place later this year.  This will give the Palestinians much-needed capital to set up their newly established state with the institutions necessary to govern in a global world.  Certainly, the world seems ready to do whatever they can to bring into existence a new Palestinian state.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy told the United Nations on Tuesday that letting Iran achieve nuclear weapons could cause a major war in the Middle East namely with Israel.  

"In his maiden speech to the U.N. General Assembly, Sarkozy said: 'There will be no peace in the world if the international community falters in the face of nuclear arms proliferation.'"

"Iran was entitled to nuclear power for civilian purposes, he said, 'but if we allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons, we would incur an unacceptable risk to stability in the region and in the world'."

"In a broader warning against the dangers of appeasement, the new French leader said: 'Weakness and renunciation do not lead to peace. They lead to war.'"

President Sarkozy is beginning to take center stage as the new face of the European Union.  Something to think about, earlier this year, he came forward to promote then UK Prime Minister Tony Blair as the first European Union president.  In light of present events I'm beginning to think Sarkozy and Blair may play a major role in the future of the European Union and possibly the world.  Keep your eye on them as a possible future political team.

JUST IN: "UNITED NATIONS - Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared Tuesday that Iran's disputed nuclear program is closed as a political issue and said Tehran will ignore a U.N. Security Council demand imposed by "arrogant powers" to curb its nuclear program.

Instead, he told world leaders at the U.N. General Assembly that Iran has decided to pursue the monitoring of its nuclear program 'through its appropriate legal path,' the International Atomic Energy Agency, which is the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency." 
Associated Press

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