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EU Diplomat: "I Am Very Much Concerned With The Mounting Influence Of Russia - Not Only In Syria, But In The Whole Middle East"  

Hamas has told that they are setting the stage for a planned takeover of the West Bank.  They are predicting that it could come as soon as two weeks. 

"Fatah will fall in a matter of weeks at most, and the Islamic resistance (Hamas) will reign in the West Bank just as we do in Gaza," said Abu Abdullah, considered one of the most important operational members of Hamas' so-called resistance department.

If indeed this does take place I can't express how much this would upset the Middle East peace process.  Although I believe any peace agreement with the Palestinians would have to include Hamas as a peace partner, Hamas as the only alternative would be completely unacceptable to both the US and Israel.  Either this is God's way of controlling the peace process until He is ready or Hamas will be unsuccessful in their coup attempt.  The stage is being set for an interesting November and December.

Recently, I received a notice from a reader of mine asking that I e-mail President Bush not to put pressure on Israel to give up the West Bank.  If you have received the same e-mail please take the time to write or e-mail the president (US citizens only) and express your convictions on this important issue. 

I realize some may believe that pressuring Israel into a situation they will have difficulty defending themselves against could bring about the rapture that much sooner, but God is still in control and He will deal with Israel's enemies in due time.

You may not know this but Israel is considered the world's foremost expert in water technology.  They are in the process of marketing technologies that include desalination, water purification, irrigation, sewage treatment, waste-water recycling, leakage prevention, water security, usage planning and infrastructure construction to many parts of the world.  In fact, in a recent water technology conference held in Tel Aviv, 2000 participants from 80 countries showed up.

Bookey Oren, one of the organizers, says that Israel is positioned with the right technology to provide answers to a critical world water shortage. “Water shortage is a problem we in Israel have been acquainted with for quite some time,” he said. “We’re situated in one of the most arid regions in the world, and we have always had to develop new ways of national water management, drip irrigation, recycling and purifying wastewater, water desalination and even alternative energy-geothermal power technologies. As a result, Israel is poised to play a major role in supplying the world with cutting-edge water and environmental solutions."

“Israel has an incredible diversity of climate types. As a result, we have situated ourselves as a prime beta-site for developing new water and environmental technologies. The national Mekorot water company has 3,000 installations, which have served as test-bedding for more than 200 new water and environmental technologies. Besides that, you have the technological entrepreneurial spirit here, with more venture dollars invested than in most US states or countries in the world. The result is a huge variety of proven water and environmental solutions.”

An oil shortage is a big problem facing the world, but we can live without oil.  But as I look around the world stage, from the US to the Middle East to Australia, water is becoming a very precious commodity in these last days.  As conditions worsen around the world (and they will), look for Israel to virtually monopolize the water technology industry extracting clean drinking water from sources previously unheard-of.  

Some prophecy experts have said that Israel's superior water technology (not oil) will be the reason behind the attack of the Russian-Islamic Alliance.  I first read of this theory 10, 15 or so years ago but did not give it much thought considering the booming dependency the world had on oil.  The way things are shaping up around the world that priority could change very quickly.

Speaking of the Russian-Islamic Alliance, Jana Hybaskova, chairwoman of the Delegation for Relations with Israel and a member of the European People's Party, while addressing Syria's over-exaggerated sense of importance in the success of Middle East peace made a very keen observation regarding Russia.

"[Syria] has the vision that there is no peace without Syria," Hybaskova said. The Syrians have an "overexaggerated sense" of their own importance, she said, adding, "They want to put themselves in the center... and that is the key," so if they cannot be part of masterminding the peace, "they want to destroy it." "That is a very dangerous message," she said.

Hybaskova said she had been disappointed by the Syrians' "rigid" response on several issues, including the release of Syrian dissidents from jail, negotiations over the Golan Heights and the strengthening relationship with Russia.

"I am very much concerned with the mounting influence of Russia - not only in Syria, but in the whole Middle East," she said.

As you can see, Bible prophecy experts are not the only ones who are sounding the alarm over Russia's growing Middle East influence in these last days (Ezekiel 38 & 39).  Even world leaders are finding it very peculiar that they would take an interest in and even forged alliances with such unlikely partners.

In the coming months it will be interesting to see which way God leads.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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