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US: Israel Very Close To Iran Attack And Nukes Could Be Used  

Israeli officials believe that the diplomatic option to deal with Iran's nuclear ambitions has run its course and are training extensively for what the US has said will be a sooner than later precision strike.  Israel's latest intelligence says that Iran has produced 3000 centrifuges and are two years away (2009) from producing a nuclear weapon.  They have no choice but to strike... and it will be with low-grade nuclear weapons.  This is what unnamed Israeli officials have told various news sources:

Citing "several Israeli sources," the Times said that two IAF squadrons are training to blow up an Iranian facility using a combination of precision laser bombs and low-yield nuclear "bunker-busters". The Times report was supplemented by one from Fox News.

Under the plans, the report said, conventional laser-guided bombs would open shafts into the targets. Then the "mini-nukes" would then be fired into a plant at Natanz, exploding deep underground to reduce the risk of radioactive fallout.

Conventional strikes, IDF commanders believe, are insufficient to destroy the deeply buried enrichment facilities, which are reportedly built beneath at least 70 feet of concrete and rock and surrounded by dozens of Iranian anti-aircraft batteries.

Israel has identified three prime targets south of Tehran believed to be central to Iran's nuclear program, the Times reported:

Natanz, where thousands of centrifuges are being installed for uranium enrichment;

A uranium conversion facility near Isfahan where, according to a statement by an Iranian vice-president last week, 250 tons of gas for the enrichment process have been stored; because this is located near a city of 4.5 million people, Israeli may opt to use conventional munitions here.

A heavy water reactor at Arak, which may in future produce enough plutonium for a bomb.

Israeli officials believe that destroying all three sites would delay Iran's nuclear program for years and prevent the Jewish State from living in fear of a "second Holocaust," a mounting threat since Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has been declaring that "Israel must be wiped off the map" and promoting the desirability of "a world without Israel."

Analysts believe that the leak that Israel is willing to use nuclear weapons to destroy Iran's nuclear sites is probably intentional to send a message to them that they are serious.  Eventually, Israel and Iran will go to war...but whether it will be on this side of the tribulation period is anyone's guess.

Moving to another hot spot further east, Pakistan is on the verge of civil war and could become a terrorist state when it's all over.  In fact, recently, Foreign Policy magazine surveyed one hundred US experts and asked them what country they believed was "most likely to become the next Al-Qaida stronghold"...they picked Pakistan. 

Of course, if Pakistan (and their nuclear technology) were to fall into the hands of Al Qaeda this would become a nuclear nightmare not only for the US but the entire world.  Here are some possibilities of where this uprising could lead.

" If Pakistan is in turmoil, starved for funds, with power devolving into the hands of various groups, including rogue elements in its powerful Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) with known ties to Islamic extremists, nuclear proliferation is likely. This could come in the form of off-the-shelf weapons being sold to countries like Saudi Arabia, forced to turn nuclear by an Iranian bomb, or with terrorists interested in acquiring small quantities of fissile material for "dirty bombs" - whose potential targets are many. Indeed, according to the Foreign Policy survey, three-quarters of the experts pointed to Pakistan as the country "most likely to transfer nuclear technology to terrorists in the next three to five years." In spite of calls for elections, these may prove to be too little too late to stem chaos in Pakistan - which could include the loss of parts of the country to radical armed groups. For Israel and the West, this means preparing to face two nuclear crises in 2008."

Switching to the upcoming Annapolis peace summit, last-minute preparations are being made to ensure that this will be a meaningful conference.  Palestine has agreed to crackdown on terrorism in the West Bank and there are reports that Hamas is split over whether they would attend the summit if invited.  That would be a shocking development if it proved true and would go far toward bringing peace to the region. I have a sneaking suspicion, in the end, Hamas will eventually get on board with the peace process.

Actually, I'm surprised they haven't already. If I were them, for the sake of ultimately destroying Israel, I would be doing everything in my power to make this peace summit a success and the quicker the better.  Let's face it, if all the core issues are agreed on Israel will control less land in the region and be more vulnerable to an attack than ever before.  There's even a summit being planned for early 2008 between Israel and Syria that will focus on Israel returning the Golan Heights back to Syria.  This area has always been very important militarily for Israel but look for them to eventually return all or most of it to Syria. 

With major trouble brewing not just in the Middle East but in all corners of the world, 2008 looks to be a very tense year.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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