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Bush Intel Puzzling To World Experts; Blair Says Peace Possible By End Of 2008 But Plan Implementation Will Take Time

As many of you know, US President Bush has embraced a new intelligence report that says Iran stopped pursuing a nuclear weapons program back in 2003 but is still enriching uranium.  This report has somehow convinced President Bush to make an about-face regarding Iran and has led him to take the military option off the table.  

Since this report, Israel has come out against the US intelligence research and they're not alone.  Many experts, both conservative and liberal, have found this report to be a bit contradictory to mainstream intelligence.

Certainly, this has put Israel in a very vulnerable position and has essentially left them to go it alone.  It has also made future sanctions against Iran virtually impossible.

It makes you wonder why the sudden change in President Bush's policy toward Iran's nuclear program?  Does he have an ulterior motive?  I would have to believe so.

There are a number of reasons why I believe President Bush has taken an about-face position...but here are the main ones.  With US elections around the corner and the possibility of peace in the Middle East by the end of 2008, he isn't about to stir the pot this late in the game.

I have to believe this timely intelligence report is nothing more than a convenient way for President Bush to abandon his promise to protect Israel from a nuclear Iran.  In the end, God will judge America for this and many other sins! 

Speaking of Middle East peace...ME peace envoy Tony Blair took a page out of Bible prophecy today by stating that peace can be achieved by the end of 2008, but that it would take time to fully implement the plan.  In an interview with France 24 television, he made these comments:

"I think a negotiated settlement is possible in 2008," Blair told France 24 television. But he added: "It will take some time for that negotiated settlement to be put in place fully." Political negotiations could be concluded next year but work had to be done to transform the Palestinian areas from territories into a working state, he said. (Reuters) Ynet

Daniel 9:27 says that this future peace will last for seven years but in the middle of the treaty the antichrist will break it.

It excites me that we are literally seeing Bible prophecy unfold before our eyes...from the birth of Israel, to the regaining of Jerusalem, to the peace agreement, and eventually, the revealing of the seven-year timeline.

There is no question in my mind that we are on the verge of witnessing a peace treaty that will end all peace treaties culminating in a seven-year staged agreement.

Of course, nobody knows precisely when this day will take place, but as I watch the signs, it only makes me look toward heaven and cry...come Lord Jesus come!

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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