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Israel continues barrage on Gaza territory; Hamas vows revenge

Following President Bush's visit to Israel last week, it is believed that he gave his thumbs up to an incursion into Gaza after repeated Kazzam rocket barrages by terrorist on Israeli border towns... and a full-scale military operation may follow. 

In response, Hamas leaders have promised revenge by way of more rockets and suicide bombings on Israeli towns and targets. Even Palestinian leader Abbas is coming to their rescue threatening to resign if Israel continues their military aggression.

Here's a thought for the Hamas leadership, if you don't have the army or might to back up your military endeavors don't cry foul when another country exercises there right to defend themselves against you. I always thought this was a huge double standard by the US, and frankly, the rest of the world that Israel should exercise restraint when hundreds of rockets are being shot into their territory on a regular basis. If it was any other country, like France or Russia, this insane double standard would not even be heard.

Here's another crazy thought. For years now, Hamas has been hurtling rockets indiscriminately at Israeli civilian homes, schools, and businesses. Correct me if I'm wrong, not once have I heard the US or the UN scold Hamas for this indiscretion... but again, they are terrorist.

I find it disturbing that the terrorists of our world require free peace loving people to be careful and hold us accountable for any possible civilian deaths. It's as if we are being punished for creating smart weaponry that can many times pinpoint their target with precision accuracy minimizing civilian casualties. 

The truth of the matter is, this is war, and if you want to pick a fight with one of the world's most feared armies you have to be ready for the gates of hell to come down on you.

As far as Mr. Abbas' threat to resign, not on your life and there are 7.6 billion reasons in cold hard donor cash that says this will never happen.

Nevertheless, I do look for Israel to heed to the US and international community and eventually back off from their Gaza operation.
Bible says that in the last days, the Arab world would claim Israel as their own (Ezekiel 35:5, 10; 36:2, 5). This is exactly what is happening right now.

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Terry Malone

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