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Abbas calls for Arab international troops to protect Palestinians

The international community "must assume its responsibility and save the peace process and realize that if Israel continues to undermine the negotiations, this will have catastrophic consequences ..." he [Mahmoud Abbas] said.

"The success of negotiations is dependent on Israel's fulfillment of its obligations according to the roadmap (peace plan), particularly an end to settlement activity and military aggression against the Palestinian people and the lifting of the blockade and roadblocks," Abbas said.

"The next few months are going to be decisive. Reaching the end of the year without reaching a peace deal will trigger a new era of tensions in the region."

I don't think there's any question that Israel is secretly fighting the creation of a Palestinian state, and knowing what we know regarding Bible prophecy, who can blame them.  I think they realize that true peace will never be established outside of a miracle from God.  Certainly, they don't see that happening in the foreseeable future, but in the end, they will be forced into a peace agreement.  Whether it will be the peace agreement that the Antichrist will bring is still up for debate.  As you know, the Bible speaks of last days Israel being at peace in two separate passages (Daniel 9:27 & Ezekiel 38:8, 11, 14).  Whether this is speaking of two separate peace agreements or the same is unknown. 

Here are a few theories I have held with respect to these two different passages keeping in mind that there could be two separate peace deals or stages:

Theory #1: Even though this agreement (peace with the Palestinians) may have a seven-year (?) timeline attached to it, it will be cut short by the invading armies of the North.  And as Iranian President Ahmadinejad unknowingly prophesied, they will come upon Israel as a great storm (Ezekiel 38: 9), but will be miraculously defeated by God Almighty.

Following this great war and defeat Israel will take back the land they gave away and rebuild their temple.  Sometime in the future, a leader out of the European Union will come on the scene and bring peace to the Middle East confirming the peace plan with Israel (Daniel 9:27).  Whether it will include the Arab nations is unknown, but will likely include a guarantee of Israel's security and may even allow for them to become full members of the EU.  But halfway through the seven-year plan he (Antichrist) to will betray Israel.

Theory #2:  Israel and the Palestinian Authority finally agree to a Middle East peace plan.  A leader out of the European Union will be given credit for making peace a reality.

The plan will call for Israel and the PA to accomplish all written articles within the seven-year timeframe of the agreement.  But within one year, Russia and a host of Islamic nations will break the peace and attack Israel.  But as the Bible predicted over 2000 years ago ( Ezekiel 38 & 39) these invading armies will be soundly and miraculously defeated.

Following this great defeat, the antichrist will restore calm to the Middle East and reassure Israel of his future protection. World peace will prevail for another 2-3 years, but at the halfway point of  the peace agreement, the antichrist will betray Israel and declare himself to be God.

Theory #2 is more likely but I certainly wouldn't rule out theory #1.  

Here is some news I also find very compelling.  Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas is calling on the Arab nations to formulate an international force to protect the future Palestinian state.  This is what he had to say at the Arab League summit in Damascus:

"Think seriously of Arab and international protection for our people," he told the Arab league summit in Damascus.

"We demand that our Arab brethren seriously consider offering Arab and international protection for our besieged nation," Abbas said while calling for the international community to "lift (the peace process) out of the ruins created by Israeli policies so that we can reach our objective and have a peace deal before the end of the year".

If the Arab League stepped up and created an international force designed to protect the Palestinian state it would place a tremendous amount of pressure on Israel to retreat from the West Bank and allow the international force to take control.  Israel has long argued that their presence in the West Bank is necessary to prevent Hamas from taking over as they did in Gaza.  But if an Arab multinational force was created to protect Palestine, their presence would no longer be seen as necessary in the eyes of the international community.  It would only be a matter of time before the international community (and the US) would be forced to bow to the wishes of the Arab community.  Eager to push the peace process forward, there's no question the US would apply heavy pressure on Israel to evacuate.

This would be a nightmare for Israel placing a battle ready multinational Arab army on their borders with the blessing of the international community.  This scenario plays right into Ezekiel's account where the world will at first approve of the peace conditions, but in the end, will watch as the situation begins to backfire saying, "Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil? (Ezekiel 38:13)"  They will question the alarming  turn of events by the Arab armies, but will ultimately turn their back on Israel to face what they believe will be an inevitable doom.

It will be interesting to see if the Arab League steps up and commits to fielding an international force to protect the future Palestinian state.  It will also be interesting to see how the world reacts to this proposal.  If this takes flight, and with the perceived window of opportunity closing (end of Bush presidency), a forced peace could be upon us quicker than we think.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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