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Israel orders bio/chemical warfare masks redistributed, Damascus raises war alarm; IDF believes renewed conflict with Hizballah is close; Syrian official denies assembling forces, summoning reserves

Israeli intelligence believes that war with Iran-Syrian proxy terrorist group Hizbullah is near.  So near, that following today's homeland preparedness meeting, they decided to redistribute the bio/chemical warfare masks they just re-inventoried.  There is also the fear that Syria has equipped Hizbullah rockets with bio-chemical warheads.  Israeli Deputy Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Dan Harel said on Wednesday that there was no reason to believe that war was imminent, but war does come, they are ready to respond with devastating force. "All that can be said is that anyone who attempts to attack Israel should bear in mind that the response will be harsh and painful."  Israel has made it plain that in the event of a Hizbullah rocket attack Israel's response would be against both Hizbullah and Syria.

With this said, in fear of an Israeli attack, there are rumors that Syria has called up reservists in preparation for what could be a major military strike against them.  If this is the case, it could likely drag Iran into the war.  

Speaking of Iran, many have taken US Vice President Dick Cheney's visit to Saudi Arabia as a sign that the US is planning a strike against Iran.  Reports from Russian sources have placed recent heavy US troop congestion along the Iraqi-Iranian border.  

"As the details of Cheney's recent discussions with his Arab allies remain unclear, pundits have begun to question the timing of the drastic measure by the Shura.

Analysts claim the Bush administration had long rattled sabers with Iran over its nuclear program and is now informing its Arab allies of a potential war, in turn, allowing them to take precautionary measures.

With the sudden resignation of Admiral William Fallon, a high-ranking US military official who was a fierce critic of White House war rhetoric against Iran, and reports of the recent deployment of a US nuclear submarine in the Persian Gulf; there is speculation that Washington is moving forward with yet another war plan in the oil-rich Middle East."
Press TV

Will there be war?  Certainly, the Bible declares that war with Russia and their Islamic partners is coming.  Whether this is that war or another stage that will lead to this war is unknown.  Israel has been involved in several wars (since rebirth) with their Arab neighbors that were not mentioned in the pages of Bible prophecy.  Could this be just another?

Keep your eye on this situation.  I really expect to see a major Middle East war erupt in the very near future.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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