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'Hamas accepts Gaza-first truce offer'; Assad confirms Olmert's Golan offer; Russia swaps Libya debt for deals

'Hamas accepts Gaza-first truce offer'
Hamas's agreement to a cease-fire with Israel will pave the way for the release of kidnapped IDF soldier Cpl. Gilad Schalit, Hamas officials in the Gaza Strip said Thursday.

According to the officials, Hamas is keen on ending the case of Schalit soon "to create a better atmosphere" that would consolidate the cease-fire.

"If the cease-fire agreement succeeds, we will see positive developments regarding a prisoner exchange with Israel soon," the officials added. "The ball is now in the Israeli court."

Hamas informed Egypt Thursday that it was willing to accept a cease-fire with Israel in the Gaza Strip on condition that it later be extended to the West Bank.

The move marks a departure from Hamas's earlier position that a cease-fire should be "comprehensive and mutual" and include the West Bank as well as the Gaza Strip.

On Wednesday, Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh said there would be no cease-fire with Israel unless it also included the West Bank.

Assad confirms Olmert's Golan offer
Syrian President Bashar Assad confirmed reports in the Arab media to the effect that Israel had agreed to relinquish the Golan Heights in exchange for peace with Syria. In an interview with the Qatari daily Al Watan the Syrian president claimed that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan had informed him that Olmert had agreed to cede the Golan for peace.

The Syrian leader also claimed that Israel and Syria have been exchanging messages since the end of the Second Lebanon War, adding that the negotiation track has heated up since Turkey became involved about a year ago.

"The mediation between Damascus and Tel Aviv has thoroughly increased since the end of the war in Lebanon and Hizbullah's victory," Assad said. "However, Turkey entering the picture in April of last year has precipitated the disclosure of new positive details."

"Olmert told the Turkish prime minister that he was willing to retreat from the Golan," Assad said, claiming that Olmert's willingness to cede the plateau was reiterated in interviews he gave before Pessah. "We have heard a statement by Olmert in which he said: 'We know what Syria wants and they know what we want.'"

Russia swaps Libya debt for deals
Russia has agreed to cancel $4.5bn (£2.3bn) of Libyan debt in exchange for major contracts for Russian firms. Mr Putin said Libya "is orientated towards the most active co-operation with Russia in all areas". The two countries signed deals on energy co-operation, military assistance and construction of a 500km (310-mile) railway line in Libya.

Libyan Holocaust Comparison at UN Spurs Walkout
( Several diplomats walked out of a United Nations Security Council session after Libya’s Ambassador compared Gazan Arabs to victims of the Holocaust.

Diplomats reported from the closed session that Libya's deputy permanent UN representative, Ambassador Ibrahim Dabbashi, "compared the situation in Gaza to the Nazi Holocaust," according to Reuters news agency.

A “Western diplomat” quoted in the report said that "afterwards, the Western envoys stood up and left the room in protest."

Terrorist group Hamas has agreed to a cease-fire with Israel that could lead to the release of kidnapped IDF soldier Cpl. Gilad Schalit.  Whether or not it will last for more than a week is debatable, but Hamas seems to have had an abrupt change of heart stating that "The ball is now in the Israeli court."  The agreement also calls for a cease-fire in the West Bank.

This is surprising, but as much as I hate to admit it, if peace in the Middle East is to be established, Hamas will have to be brought to the table. 

On the northern front of Israel, Syrian President Bashar Assad has confirmed that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has agreed to evacuate the Golan Heights in exchange for peace with Syria.  This has angered many in Israel but it probably won't prevent the deal from going through if negotiations go that far.  Israel and Syria have been involved in behind the scenes negotiations since the end of the Second Lebanon War, but recently, threats by Hezbollah and the 2007 Israeli raid on a ( now confirmed) Syrian nuclear facility has raised the prospect of war.

Another major event in prophecy took place over the last week when Russian president Vladimir Putin canceled $4.5 billion dollars of Libyan debt and signed deals worth upwards of $10 billion. This sudden friendship is just another piece of the prophetic puzzle being placed on the board in the last days and takes us that much closer to the coming of the Lord.  As you may know, Ezekiel 38:4 & 5 calls out Libya by name as one of the nations that will follow Russia down to the yet future battle of Gog and Magog ( Ezekiel 38 and 39).  Certainly, Libya was not a friend of Israel's before their agreement with Russia as they proved at the recent UN Security Council session where their ambassador compared the Gazan Arabs to the victims of the Holocaust. Other countries that have recently made military deals with Russia include China, Algeria, Ethiopia, Iran, Turkey and Syria.  Many of these nations will also take part in this epic battle that will end in a miraculous victory for Israel.

Here is a list of nations mentioned in Ezekiel 38 that will come down with Russia: Persia (Iran), Cush (Sudan and Ethiopia), Put (Libya, and possibly Algeria and Tunisia), Gomer (Turkey), and Beth-togarmah (Central Asia).

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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