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Drafting to start on Mideast peace deal; Report: Abbas informed of Israel's plan to retake Gaza

Israeli and Palestinian negotiators have agreed to start drafting elements of a proposed peace accord, chief Palestinian negotiator Ahmed Qureia said Friday.

Ahmed Qureia, the veteran negotiator heading the Palestinian team, made it clear the decision did not necessarily reflect agreement on the major issues that have tormented peace talks for years - final borders, the status of disputed Jerusalem and the fate of Palestinian refugees. But this would be the first time since negotiations resumed more than six months ago that anything on these divisive questions would be put to paper.

"We agreed with the Israelis to begin writing the positions," Qureia told reporters late Friday.

Israeli political sources on Saturday said that the decision to begin drafting a proposal has been in the works for some months and that much work still lies ahead for the two parties in bridging their differences about core issues.  Haaretz

Chief Palestinian negotiator Ahmed Qurei said over the weekend that, should talks between Israel and the Palestinians fail, the Palestinian Authority will return to the concept of a one-state solution.

Questioned by the Ma'an news agency over Israel's new construction plans in east Jerusalem, Qurei said that if Israel tries to impose facts on the ground, "I will tell them that we spent 30 years persuading Palestinians to accept a two-state solution, and if we do not succeed in achieving it, we will return to the idea of one state." Jerusalem Post

As reported by Haaretz Newspaper, "Israeli and Palestinian negotiators have agreed to start drafting elements of a proposed peace accord".  Although, this day was prophesied in Scripture thousands of years ago (Daniel 9:27), I doubt it will come about without much drama and a major political fight in Israel.  But make no mistake, it will come to pass just as the Bible has foretold.  Mark this day down as a major beginning of what will turn out to be the blueprint for the future seven-year peace accord that will be confirmed by the Antichrist.  Could there be delays or drawbacks before that time comes?  Certainly...this is still in God's Hands and in His timing.

A second potential major event has also begun to unfold...the reoccupying of the Gaza Strip.  According to a report published Saturday by the London-based Arabic-language newspaper Al-Quds Al-Arabi (reported by Ynet News), Israel could launch a full-scale assault on Gaza at any moment:

The newspaper quoted Palestinian sources as saying that Israel plans to gradually transfer control over the Strip to the Palestinian Authority, adding that Abbas expressed his objection to the move during last week's meeting with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and demanded that Jerusalem take a positive stance toward Egypt's efforts to broker a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas.

According to the sources, Abbas warned Olmert of the possible ramifications should Israel decide to take over Gaza and is attempting to thwart an Israeli invasion by resuming talks with Hamas.

The report said Israel is looking to re-conquer Gaza, annihilate the Palestinian resistance groups, mainly Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and then gradually transfer control over the Strip to Abbas. However, the newspaper said, the Palestinian president is wary of regaining control in Gaza following an Israeli operation.  Ynet News

One of today's top stories on the Drudge Report was Russian President Dmitry Medvedev blasting of the United States for its role in the downward spin of the global economy.  In his address at the opening of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, he stated that "economic egoism'' by the US and their financial institutions has led to the worst global economic climate since the Great Depression.

"The modern world is already globalized. And in such conditions, mistakes in the policies of individual countries, not to mention national egoism, immediately affect the situation in the entire global economy," he said.

"The disparity between the formal role of the U.S. in the world economic system and its real potential is one of the main reasons for the current crisis," Medvedev said. "As strong as the U.S. market is, and as reliable as the U.S. financial system is, they aren't capable of replacing global goods and financial markets." Bloomberg

On this note, rumors are circulating that oil prices could surge as high as $150 a barrel by July 4th of this year. World economic leaders are at a loss as to how to stem the rising price of crude and fear it could lead to a global recession.

Could this be a prelude to the coming of the Lord?  The Bible does declare that the world would be experiencing events such as these just before His Coming...but first, the rapture of the church must take place.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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