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Kadima in uproar over US claim that Israel has conceded Jerusalem; U.S. to 'guarantee' Palestinian state

Israel conveyed its displeasure to Washington on Thursday over remarks reportedly made by US Consul General Jacob Walles that it had agreed to start negotiations with the Palestinians over Jerusalem. The comments prompted a bitter row among Kadima's would-be leaders.

According to government sources, Walles's comments, which appeared in the Palestinian daily Al-Ayyam, were "highly inappropriate," since there is a US-Palestinian-Israeli agreement not to go public with what is being discussed by the negotiators.  Israel Insider

JERUSALEM – The U.S. is planning to issue a letter guaranteeing the country will back agreements reached during current Israeli-Palestinian negotiations aimed at creating a Palestinian state before President Bush leaves office in January, WND has learned.

The move is intended to ensure any agreements reached by the Israelis and the Palestinian Authority, and spelled out in a joint document, will be recognized by the next U.S. administration and binding for Israel and the PA.

The information comes as Jacob Walles, the U.S. consul-general, stated in an interview with a major Palestinian newspaper yesterday that Israel and the PA agreed to negotiate Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley area leading to the Dead Sea. WND

Prime minister Vladimir Putin, after putting Moscow’s case on Georgia to the Western media, warned the US that stationing a missile defense shield near Russia’s borders would start an arms race in Europe. There was no basis for a new Cold War, he said.

DEBKAfile’s sources interpret Friday’s events as indicating that Russia’s leaders have determined not to declare a Cold War in Europe but to open a second anti-Western front in the Middle East.

In the second half of August, DEBKA file and DEBKA-Net-Weekly’s analysts discussed this re-orientation at length (Russia’s Second Front: Iran-Syria), disclosing that Moscow had decided to use its ties with Tehran and Damascus to challenge the United State and the West in the Middle East as well as the Caucasian, the Black Sea and the Caspian region.  Debkafile

While Russia lines up with Syria, and Iran against America and the West, Kadima is in an uproar over a US claim that Israel has conceded Jerusalem.  On top of that, now there is word that "the U.S. is planning to issue a letter guaranteeing the country will back agreements reached during current Israeli-Palestinian negotiations aimed at creating a Palestinian state before President Bush leaves office in January". WND

According to WND, "the move is intended to ensure any agreements reached by the Israelis and the Palestinian Authority, and spelled out in a joint document, will be recognized by the next U.S. administration and binding for Israel and the PA." WND

While the world sleeps, these current event developments are a page out of Bible prophecy.  Ezekiel 38 & 39 states, that in the last days, Russia, Iran and other Islamic nations would become allies.  The world press has made it clear that this has actually happened.  During that same last days time period it is prophesied that Israel would be embroiled in peace talks (Daniel 9:27) with Jerusalem being one of the main sticking points standing in the way (Zechariah 12:3).  A recent US claim is that Israeli officials have agreed to begin high level negotiations with the Palestinians over the division of Jerusalem.  The division of Jerusalem has proven to be a vital sticking point to peace and is documented as such by media outlets all over the world.

I don't know about you, but I see this as a major sign and step in Bible prophecy.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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