Calvary Prophecy Report

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Syria, Iran warm to Russia as US tensions grow; Syrian army invades northern Lebanon

"The Russian move into Georgia has begun a tectonic shift in the (Mideast) region," said Joshua Landis, a Syria expert in the United States. "It has emboldened Syria, Hezbollah and Iran to push harder against Israel and the US."

Some military officials in Iran have, like Syria, openly supported Russian actions in Georgia, although Iran's Foreign Ministry called the clashes merely a result of miscalculations by "powers" and called for dialogue.

Some Iranian media have gone further, asserting Russia is now less likely to back US-led efforts to pressure Iran to curb its nuclear programme.  Gulfnews

The Russian-Georgian war has ushered in a new boldness and closer ties between Russia, Syria and Iran.  Syria is pursuing a relationship with Russia to the point that they have stated they are "ready to cooperate with Russia in any way, including discussing deploying missile defense systems on Syrian territory."  Syria is also making provisions for the Russian fleet’s first permanent Mediterranean base in Tartus. 
If this base comes to fruition, it would place Russia in a perfect prophetic strategic position.  

As many of you know, according to Ezekiel 38 and 39, Russia will lead an Islamic attack against Israel in the very near future.  With a permanent base (Russian presence) in Syria, this prophecy seems to be playing out just as the Bible predicted over 2500 years ago.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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