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Obama The Messiah?  Could Barack Obama Be The Future Antichrist?...Provided He Gets Elected...


I was wanting to ask you if you think Obama could be the Antichrist? Seems like the whole world is for this man, look at all the money he has for his campaign.

Thank you


I'm glad you asked this question, I've been wanting to address this for some time. 

Originally, I believed that Mr. Obama could not be a candidate for the Antichrist due to the fact that he has professed to be a Christian.  Of course, I find his profession to be very unlikely due to his missteps as a Muslim, his terrorist endorsements to be a Muslim, and his public backing of abortion on demand and gay rights.  

Strangely, as a supposed professing Christian, according to a recent People Magazine interview with Mr. Obama, he doesn't celebrate Christmas or birthdays.  Coincidentally, neither do Muslims.  

When asked in an ABC interview about his faith, he started the sentence by saying 'my Muslim faith" and was immediately corrected by the interviewer who interjected you mean "Christian faith".  I don't know about you, but as a longtime Christian, I have never in all my days mistakenly said my Muslim faith, my Mormon faith, my Hindu faith or any other false religion instead of my true faith. That doesn't make him the Antichrist, but it does cause me to question how he will react when Russia and the Islamic Alliance attack Israel.  

But getting back to the topic at hand.  My question has always been whether the Antichrist would ever profess to be a devout follower of God or Jesus Christ?  My initial reaction was no...Satan would never allow it!  But looking at Scripture and the first earthly ministry of Jesus, I must take into consideration the first son of perdition (John 17:12), Judas Iscariot.

As you know, Judas was one of the original twelve disciples, but his real identity as a thief and betrayer was known by Jesus from the beginning.  As a disciple, he professed openly that he was a follower of Christ, but his real mission was known before the foundation of the world.  In the end, he was exposed, and later, possessed by Satan (John13:26-30) to carry out his mission. 

During the tribulation period (2nd half), the Antichrist (2nd son of perdition; II Thessalonians 2:3) will also be possessed by Satan to carry out his proposed god of this world.  Certainly, he will fail miserably.

But back to the original question.  I believe that the Antichrist will come out the European Union as many Bible prophecy experts do (Daniel 9:25-27).  Whether that will be the case will likely not be revealed until after the tribulation period begins (which will be preceeded by the rapture; II Thessalonians 2:1-10) and may not fully be known until the midway point. 

But first, Mr. Obama needs to be elected, although, that looks likely.  If he is elected, he certainly needs to be taken seriously as far as prophecy is concerned, especially with all the talk of him being some type of messiah.  I have to admit, I have never heard of a presidential candidate, or any candidate for that matter, being referred to as a messiah figure.  This just goes to show you how ready and ripe the world is to receive a messiah of any kind.  This readiness is what shocks me the most even though the Bible is clear this will happen (Revelation 13).
Could he be the Antichrist?  I would say no only because it is generally believed he will rise out of the revived Roman Empire (believed to be the EU), but anything is possible and I wouldn't rule it out.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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