Latest Prophecy Commentary
NIC Report: Next two decades will see a world living with daily threat of nuclear war, environmental catastrophe and the decline of America
A couple days ago, I ran an article that discussed the findings of the NIC regarding a world that would see a less dominant US living daily with the threat of nuclear war. Today, someone e-mailed me an updated version of the article. Here are a few excerpts from the article:
"The next two decades will see a world living with the daily threat of nuclear war, environmental catastrophe and the decline of America as the dominant global power, according to a frighteningly bleak assessment by the U.S. intelligence community."
"The world of the near future will be subject to an increased likelihood of conflict over resources, including food and water, and will be haunted by the persistence of rogue states and terrorist groups with greater access to nuclear weapons," said the report by the National Intelligence Council.
"The international system will be almost unrecognizable by 2025, owing to the rise of emerging powers, a globalizing economy, a transfer of wealth from West to East, and the growing influence of non-state actors. Although the United States is likely to remain the single most powerful actor, the United States' relative strength -- even in the military realm -- will decline and US leverage will become more strained." FOX News
Here is a description and purpose of Global Trends 2025 from the chairman of the National Intelligence Council.
From the Chairman of the National Intelligence Council:
"Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World" is the fourth unclassified report prepared by the National Intelligence Council (NIC) in recent years that takes a long-term view of the future. It offers a fresh look at how key global trends might develop over the next 15 years to influence world events. Our report is not meant to be an exercise in prediction or crystal ball-gazing. Mindful that there are many possible "futures," we offer a range of possibilities and potential discontinuities, as a way of opening our minds to developments we might otherwise miss. National Intelligence Council
The National Intelligence Council (NIC) is the center for midterm and long-term strategic thinking within the United States intelligence community.
Certainly, this is a dangerous world that we are heading into with many potentially destructive challenges (II Timothy 3:1). Personally, I believe the US is future Mystery Babylon, a nation that the Bible says during the tribulation period will experience a complete and total destruction (Revelation 14, 17 & 18). This nation is described as a nation that has made the whole world rich but in one hour will be destroyed (Revelation 18:7-22). For further information go to Chronological Events Of The Tribulation Period and scroll down to "Mystery Babylon-The Great Whore".
For nearly 200 years, America stood on the principles of the Bible, but in the last half-century, we have decided to take our eyes off God by allowing prayer and the Bible to be banned in our classrooms. From this, the family institution is on the verge of imminent change, the life of the unborn continues to be in peril, and a generation of godless leaders have emerged freely voted in by a godless society. Even many professed Christians have been blinded by their lust for materialism embracing a godless promise of change that will never come. This and worse is to be our future here on earth...a future for which we will sorely need God in the middle of to be our guide.
But God is still in control, and as Spirit filled Christians, He will continue to guide us despite the dark days ahead up until the day He raptures us home.
Are you ready to meet the Lord? If not, your time is running out!
Terry Malone
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