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Bush warns Israel against Gaza, Iran attack; Iranian supreme leader calls on Lebanon to unite against Israel

The country's chief rabbis are calling for a mass prayer rally Thursday in the hope that heavenly intervention will stem the global financial crisis.

There is no doubt in my mind if the leaders of this or any other nation called for a national day of prayer to stem the global financial crisis God would hear their prayer.  It's happened multiple times in Scripture, and every time a nation has prayed, God has delivered 100% of the time.  Unfortunately, I'm not sure there is a nation left on this earth willing to humbles themselves before God.

"The US State Department said Monday it will watch 'very closely' upcoming Russian-Venezuelan naval maneuvers but dismissed any notion they were a challenge to US influence in the region."  AFP

This is a very dangerous situation for the US that will eventually be detrimental to their existence.  If US President Elect Obama shows any weakness, Cuba will be next on Russia's Cold War strategic list.

"In a meeting today between Israeli Prime Minister Olmert and US President Bush, Mr. Olmert said 'history will owe Bush a debt of gratitude for setting the region on the path to an accord.'"

President Bush has definitely set the stage for possible Middle East peace in the very near future.  Many prophecy experts believe that the coming Antichrist will "confirm" (Daniel 9:27) a peace treaty for which much of the groundwork has previously been laid.

"US President George W. Bush has bluntly warned Israel against striking Iran's nuclear facilities or launching a broad military response to Hamas rocket fire from the Gaza Strip during his final weeks in office, according to Time magazine."

"The warning was first issued last week by senior American officials to their counterparts in Israel, who told Time, 'We have been warned off.'"

"The instruction was expected to be repeated by Bush himself when he met with visiting Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Monday in Washington."

"According to US officials cited in the article, the Bush Administration fears that an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear facilities will force Washington to completely revamp its policies across the Middle East in a way that is not conducive to American interests." Israel Today

This blunt message to visiting Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert pretty much puts the last nail in the coffin on whether there will be a US lead or Israeli solo attack on Iran's nuclear facilities.  Certainly, Israel could go directly against US orders and go it alone, but that would seal their fate in the world community.  Even though this puts them in a very dangerous position, I don't see Israel attacking Iran without US permission.  Besides, without US help, they do not have the necessary equipment or the permission to access direct air routes (over Iraq airspace) for a bombing mission against Iran.  Of course, (according to a recent military analysis) a missile strike could be an option, but I wouldn't count on it.

Could this be setting the stage for the prophesied Russian led battle of Gog and Magog attack (Ezekiel 38 & 39)?  It certainly looks that way, but whether it will be sooner as opposed to later is the question.  With this new development, we may be looking at the prophesied time of peace for Israel (living in peace and safety) before this attack occurs as described in Ezekiel 38: 8, 11, 12, 14.  For the words "peace" and "safety" to be used to describe the time Israel will be living in prior to this attack leads me to believe it will take place during the tribulation period.  Others have noted that the attack could take place between the rapture of the church and the start of the tribulation period given the length of time it will take to burn the weapons of their enemies (seven years; Ezekiel 39:9).

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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