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PLO Agrees to Proceed to Statehood Without Waiting for Gaza; European plan to take leading role in Mideast worries Israel

With an incoming US president who intends to shift course on American foreign policy, an internal European Union document indicates that Europe plans to seize a leading role in Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking from next year.

Much to the dismay of senior Israeli officials, the EU proposal obtained by Ha'aretz calls for heavy pressure on Israel to surrender control of the eastern half of Jerusalem and halt the growth of the Jewish population in Judea and Samaria (the so-called "West Bank").  Israel Today

Palestine Liberation Organization officials said Monday they are willing to move forward with the two-state solution as proposed by U.S. President George W. Bush at the Annapolis summit, regardless of the situation in Gaza.

Speaking to the Middle East Times on Monday, Maen Rashid Areikat, deputy head of the Palestine Liberation Organization's (PLO) negotiations affairs department, said that Gaza would follow once peace between the West Bank and Israel was established.

At this point, it is no longer a question if there will be a Palestinian state, but rather what will this new Palestinian state will look like. What matters now to the Palestinians is what kind of state they are going to get. Will it be contiguous? Will it include parts of Jerusalem?  ME Times

If you have been following the Calvary Prophecy Report, you know that these two developments are major prophetic steps.  The Bible says, that in the last days, a major Middle East peace agreement with many (including Israel) would be confirmed with the Antichrist (Daniel 9:25-27).  Many believe that this man will come out of the new revived Roman Empire which is believed to be the modern day EU.  According to Israel Today, with a new US administration coming to power, reports indicate that the Middle East peace torch will be passed on to the European Union.  It's unlikely such an agreement would be signed before the next US administration takes office but I wouldn't rule it out.  It will be interesting to see who takes the lead as the next world political leader once the new US administration is in place.

Keep your eyes on how this development as it begins to unfold in the very near future.

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Terry Malone

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