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Is Middle East Peace On The Horizon?

International Middle East peace envoy Tony Blair told the largest Palestinian newspaper this week that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas have reached a unsigned secret peace agreement.

Blair was quoted by the Jerusalem-based daily Al Quds as saying that "continuous meetings between Abbas and Olmert...have produced an agreement," though he said he would abide by an decision by both leaders to keep the details of the agreement secret for the time being.

The agreement remains unsigned because Israeli law forbids Olmert to make significant policy changes or decisions while he is head of a transition government.  Israel Today

Israel proposed to annex 6.8 percent of the West Bank and to take in a few thousand refugees under a peace deal, but it has not revealed its position on the most contentious issue — the future of Jerusalem, the chief Palestinian negotiators said Friday night.  Yahoo News

U.S. President-elect Barack Obama's administration will offer Israel a "nuclear umbrella" against the threat of a nuclear attack by Iran, a well-placed American source said earlier this week. The source, who is close to the new administration, said the U.S. will declare that an attack on Israel by Tehran would result in a devastating U.S. nuclear response against Iran.

US President-elect Barack Obama says he will offer Israel a nuclear umbrella and guaranteed protection against an Iranian attack in exchange for Israel not carrying out a proposed attack against Tehran.  

This is a remarkable guarantee in light of the fact that many prophecy experts have believed for decades that this type of protection for Israel against its enemies would be an important part of a future peace agreement they would sign.  Author and prophetic expert, J. Dwight Pentacost, details in his book, Things To Come, that this type of  guarantee could be a very real possibility.  He states that this future covenant would restore "Israel to a place among the nations of the world" and he (Antichrist) would guarantee their integrity.  Here is an excerpt from his book that, incidentally, was written back in 1958:

"According to Daniel 9:26-27 the prince of the Roman empire will make a covenant with Israel for a seven-year period.  This covenant evidently restores Israel to a place among the nations of the world and the integrity of Israel is guaranteed by the Roman powers.  This is not only an attempt to settle the long-standing dispute among the nations as to Israel's claim to Palestine, but is also a Satanic imitation of the fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant which gave Israel title deed to the land (Things To Come, J. Dwight Pentacost, pp. 342-43, Zondervan, 1958)."

In another stunning revelation, International Middle East peace envoy Tony Blair told a Palestinian newspaper that "Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas have reached a unsigned secret peace agreement." Israel Today  

There's no question in my mind that a peace agreement is coming soon, and maybe as early as the first half of 2009.  Certainly, that will be up to the timing of the Lord, but that day is coming.  The direction and speed of the talks may weigh heavily upon who becomes Israel's next prime minister.  Polls indicate that Benjamin Netanyahu could come back to power which could stall peace talks.  But with the UN adopting a mandate on Tuesday "calling on Israel and the Palestinian authority to continue negotiations on the core issues during the course of 2009," it is my belief that it would be political suicide for Israel to reverse direction on the peace issue.  If this reversal were to take place, I can't believe the US and Barack Obama would continue to stand behind Israel.  Israel's last (and only) global friend would be lost.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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