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Joint US-Egypt-Jordan-Germany-Israel diplomacy for Gaza ceasefire

Alas, there is another possible explanation for Iran's apparent decision to abandon a vassal [Hamas] it incited to open a war. On Sunday, Iranian analyst Amir Taheri reported the conclusions of a bipartisan French parliamentary report on the status of Iran's nuclear program in Asharq Alawsat. The report which was submitted to French President Nicolas Sarkozy late last month concluded that unless something changes, Iran will have passed the nuclear threshold by the end of 2009 and will become a nuclear power no later than 2011. The report is notable because it is based entirely on open-sourced material whose accuracy has been acknowledged by the Iranian regime.

The report asserts that this year will be the world's final opportunity to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. And, as Taheri hints strongly, the only way of doing that effectively is by attacking Iran's nuclear installations.  JWR

As the Israeli ground war in Gaza begins its fourth day, one has to wonder why Hamas would provoke and engage in a war they can't possibly win. Some have speculated that Iran is behind this sacrificial lamb slaying of Hamas which is designed to take Israel and the international communities mind off Iran's nuclear program just long enough to get them past the January 20th US presidential transition period. I would think if Iran was serious about waging war against Israel, they would have also unleashed Hezbollah's much larger and more advanced missiles on Israel's northern border. That may come in the near future if further international diversions are needed. However, the final goal is for an Islamic terrorist nation to achieve nuclear status, and according to a recent report by Iranian analyst Amir Taheri, "unless something changes, Iran will have passed the nuclear threshold by the end of 2009 and will become a nuclear power no later than 2011." JWR

This is where I believe this war with Hamas could be heading. At some point in time, Hamas will have to be defeated and Gaza reoccupied by Israel or a cease-fire will have to be reached with a strong international military put in place to prevent weapons smuggling and the resumption of missile attacks. It is probably more likely that the latter will be achieved. This latest flare up has also raised the awareness and urgency of leaders around the world that an international force needs to be stationed in Gaza. I believe that both incoming US President Barack Obama and outgoing EU President Nicholas Sarkozy will make peace in the Middle East a strong priority in 2009. With their leadership, I believe the world will finally accept that Gaza must be tamed before peace can be a reality in the region. If this can be accomplished, I look for peace to be established sooner than later with a Palestinian state finally being created followed by normalization between Israel and most of the Arab world.
In another development that has taken root publicly, moderate Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt have been engaging in a war of words with Iran and its proxy Hezbollah. Iran has also been lobbying for larger reductions in oil output to raise prices in order to boost their economy (and pay for their nuclear program). But OPEC giant Saudi Arabia is in no hurry to line the pockets of a potential threat and has resisted further cuts to this point. This has caused a major split among the Arab world and may serve to swing the support of moderate Arab states toward allowing foreign troops to monitor Gaza.

Whether this is the time God will put the final pieces together ushering in the rapture of the church and beginning the process of the tribulation period is speculation at best...but one day, it will cease to be speculation...and maybe sooner than you think. 

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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