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Haniyeh: Hamas willing to negotiate on Gaza truce

The following scenario was written by Stan Goodenough is a Christian Zionist; a South African national, and an 18-year resident of the State of Israel.

If you read his entire article you will see that he believes that Israel's uprooting of Hamas (if a cease-fire does not prevent it) and returning Gaza to the Fatah lead PA is a good and bad move for Israel.  The following scenario addresses what he (and I) believe will likely happen if and when this does take place.

Let me paint a scenario that will hopefully explain why:

The international community fails to secure and enforce a ceasefire in time to stop Israel from devastating Hamas, killing and imprisoning the leadership and severely degrading its weapons. In reality the half-hearted condemnations of Israel have hardly pressured Jerusalem up to now.

Gaza is handed back to the PLO-run Palestinian Authority – the movement that has been portrayed as “moderate” alongside Hamas.

Immediately the world – including those western powers that are now tempering their criticism of Israel’s actions in Gaza, and headed by a new American administration whose president is being swept into office on an enormous wave of popularity that will render him extremely powerful and influential - insists that the climate is finally ripe for the peace process to resume.

The Israeli electorate, thankful to the Kadima Party for effectively dealing with Hamas, makes Tzipi Livni – who is fully committed to the US-pushed two-state vision – their new prime minister.

What little resistance there still is among the rest of Israel’s politicians to the creation of a State of Palestine on the Jews’ historic homeland is washed aside by this overwhelming flood of support for it and with the “new reality on the ground.”

Even if the Likud’s Benjamin Netanyahu is elected prime minister, the “new Middle East order” that will exist with Gaza back in the PA’s hands, and the “new world order” that will be our reality with Obama in the White House, will be pretty well impossible to resist.  Israel Insider

Keep your eyes on this situation to see if the world powers will take this opportunity to use Israel to finally takedown Hamas and reestablish power back to PA leader Abbas.  Once that PA is no longer divided, I look for French President Sarkozy and newly elected US President Obama to apply a tremendous amount of pressure on Israel to confirm to peace and establish a Palestinian state.  This will also bring about normalization between Israel and the Arab world.  

When the time comes to make peace, don't be surprised if both the US and EU promise to guarantee Israel's security as a sweetener to convince them this move is in their best interest.

According to the Jerusalem Post, this is real reason behind why Hamas started this war in the first place: "This conflict serves the interests of the Iranians," he said. "They are satisfied because the violence in the Gaza Strip has diverted attention from their nuclear ambitions. The Iranians are also hoping to use the Palestinian issue as a 'powerful card' in future talks with the Americans.

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Terry Malone

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