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The Time Clock Has Run Out: Israel Ready to Strike Iran; Sources in movement tell al-Hayat paper Hamas rejects any proposal for international troops in Gaza, but would be willing to see Turkish forces monitor border

Informed sources in Washington tell Newsmax that Israel indeed will launch a strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities soon – possibly in just days as President George W. Bush prepares to leave office.

The reason: The time clock has begun to run out. Iran is close to acquiring a nuclear device under the control of its radical president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Mohamed ElBaradei said in June that Iran would have a nuclear weapon in as little as six months.

That six-month period has passed.

Reports of Israel’s decision to imminently launch strikes, although unconfirmed, would seem to contradict the Bush stance outlined in a front-page New York Times story last week, which asserted that Bush rejected a plea from Israel last year to help it raid Iran’s main nuclear complex.

The Times said Israel was rebuffed after it requested from the U.S. specialized bunker-busting bombs that it needs to attack Iran’s nuclear complex at Natanz. The U.S. also reportedly nixed permission to the Israeli warplanes to fly over Iraqi territory to reach Iran.

WASHINGTON – Secretary of State-designate Hillary Rodham Clinton called Tuesday for a "smart power" strategy in the Middle East that goes beyond the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to address other pressing issues like Iran's nuclear program.

While offering no specific new peace proposal, Clinton spoke confidently of President-elect Barack Obama's intentions to renew American leadership in the world and to strengthen U.S. diplomacy.

"As intractable as the Middle East's problems may seem and many presidents, including my husband, have spent years trying to help work out a resolution, we cannot give up on peace," she told her confirmation hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. She said that she and Obama are "deeply sympathetic to Israel's desire to defend itself" but also worried about the humanitarian situation.

This is a very serious and dangerous time we live in where Israel may be planning a massive rocket attack against Iran's nuclear facilities, and at the same time, a new global leader in US President Barack Obama is about to take the stage.  US Secretary of State-designate Hillary Rodham Clinton is also claiming that she and Mr. Obama have been working on a new "'smart power' strategy in the Middle East that goes beyond the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to address other pressing issues like Iran's nuclear program."

A plan that would encompass not only the Israeli and Palestinian peace initiative, but the Middle East as a whole, should raise a few eye browses.  It goes beyond interesting and should be looked upon by Christians with great caution and wonderment.   

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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