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Hamas declares cease-fire; gives Israel one week to evacuate Gaza; three massive gas reservoirs discovered in Israel; said to be one of the largest discoveries in the world

Three massive gas reservoirs have been discovered 80 kilometers off the Haifa coast, at the Tamar prospect, Noble Energy Inc. announced on Sunday.

The Tamar-1 well, located in approximately 5,500 feet of water, was drilled to a total depth of 16,076 feet. The thickness and quality of the reservoirs found were greater than anticipated at the location.

Charles D. Davidson, Noble Energy's chairman, president and CEO, said in an announcement that his company was "extremely excited by the results. This is one of the most significant prospects that we have ever tested and appears to be the largest discovery in the company's history."

Speaking on Army Radio Sunday morning, an exhilarated Yitzhak Tshuva, owner of the Delek Group Ltd, one of the owners of the well, called the discovery "one of the biggest in the world," promising that the find would present a historic land mark in the economic independence of Israel.

This is an amazing announcement in light of the fact that I and other Bible prophecy experts have been looking for a reason for why Russia would come down (with their Islamic alliance) and attack Israel (Ezekiel 38 and 39).  As many of you know, Russia has a monopoly on natural gas for which much of the European Union is dependent upon.  

Just a couple days ago, Russia turned off its natural gas pipeline to Ukraine leaving them virtually in the cold.  This pipeline that runs through the Ukraine also serves the EU and has in essence cut them off from receiving much-needed gas supplies.  This battle is still going on and "the European Commission on Friday (16 January) threatened to take unspecified sanctions against Russia and Ukraine unless gas flows to the EU resume after the weekend." EUObserver  

This Russian shutdown during the cold winter months has affected and upset many nation states in the European Union and could come back to bite them.  Enter Israel with its newly discovered natural gas reservoirs.  If this Israeli natural gas discovery turns out to be as large as they have anticipated, not only will Israel be energy independent, but Russia may have a new competitor in European markets.  If that be the case, this colossal gas find may turn out to be the hook that brings Russia down upon Israel.  Truthfully, even though this is big news, I look for this discovery to be just the tip of the iceberg.  This is only a gut feeling, but I really believed that God is setting the stage to start uncovering other major natural resources in Israel to the point where the whole world will begin to take notice.

European and Arab leaders racing to consolidate a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas pressed on Sunday for an end to weapons smuggling into Gaza and for the opening of the territory to humanitarian aid.

A summit meeting in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheik concluded that the next steps will include a humanitarian summit organized by Egypt in the coming days and the search for a way to open Gaza's sealed border crossings to allow in humanitarian aid.

 France, Britain, Germany and the United States have all offered help in stopping the flow of weapons, but Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has firmly rejected any deployment of international monitoring forces on its side of the Gaza border.

While, acknowledging the difficult task ahead, Sarkozy said now was the time to speed efforts toward the ultimate goal of Mideast peacemaking: the creation of a Palestinian state.

Now that Hamas has agreed to a cease-fire (they've given Israeli troops a week to get out of Gaza), French President Nicholas Sarkozy, is pushing for a long-term cease-fire that he believes could speed the way to the creation of a Palestinian state.  France, Britain, Germany and the United States have all offered to do their part in stopping the flow of weapons into Gaza.  Egypt is still resisting the notion of placing international troops at checkpoints on their territory but they have agreed to play a major role in stopping weapons smuggling.  In the end, I believe Egypt will buckle to international pressure and allow international monitors/troops on their land so that checkpoints can be reopened safely.  It will be interesting to see how long-term this cease-fire turns out to be.

Are you ready to meet the Lord?  If not, your time is running out!

Terry Malone

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