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Netanyahu: No Palestinian state; Livni: Surrender to Arab demands 

Likud Party leader Benjamin Netanyahu, who is currently favored to be chosen to form the next government, told the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations that as prime minister, he would focus on bettering the lives of the Palestinian Arabs, while putting the surrender of land to the Palestinian Authority on hold.

Netanyahu said his plan includes rapid economic development of the Palestinian economy, and the bolstering of Palestinian leaders and forces that prove they have moved beyond the era of anti-Israel terrorism.

Livni offered a totally contrary view, suggesting that the surrender of land would be the cornerstone of her peace process policies.

"We need to give up half the Land of Israel," said Livni, and insisted that failing to do so would bring about the Jewish state's demographic demise.

Livni said that there are no peace plans that are favorable to Israel, and so it is better for Israel to devise its own unfavorable peace plan than be forced to accept a far more unfavorable one devised by the international community.  Israel Today

The Bible is clear that there will be a seven-year peace plan or cease-fire at some point.  I don't see that happening under Likud Party leader Benjamin Netanyahu's reign.  Unnamed sources are saying that US President Obama favors a shared Israeli government lead by Netanyahu and is ready to step in to apply pressure on Livni to let him lead.  "According to the newspaper's sources, Obama fears that a right-wing government headed by Netanyahu would put a freeze on the land-for-peace process, and that by balancing Likud with Kadima he would have a far better chance of overseeing a rapid peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians." Israel Today  Mr. Netanyahu has stated that there will be no immediate Palestinian state.  He prefers economic development first than the creation of a state at a later date.  He has also said that he would not hesitate to topple Hamas if a cease-fire was not worked out.  These are issues that President Obama fears could set the peace process back several years.

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Terry Malone

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