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U.S.: Palestinian state creation 'inescapable'; Clinton puts USA on collision course with Israel with pledge to press for Palestinian state...

Plans for deploying US missile defenses in Poland and the Czech Republic, ostensibly to guard against Iranian attacks on US allies in Europe, are among a host of issues that soured US-Russia relations during the administration of former President George W. Bush. There have been indications Obama, who has vowed to shake up American foreign policy, might be willing to set aside the missile defense system.

Medvedev, traveling in Madrid Tuesday, voiced readiness to cooperate with Washington but denied receiving an offer of trade-off on missile defense and Iran. The Kremlin did call Obama's letter a "positive" development.

Hillary Clinton put America on a collision course with Israel today after pledging to press for a Palestinian state.

The U.S. Secretary of State's position brings her into conflict with the Israeli Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu.

Although Netanyahu has spoken of Palestinian self-government, he has shied away from a two-state solution to the Middle East conflict. Mail Online

Sections of Jerusalem have essentially been forfeited on the ground to the Palestinian Authority, while Jews, including local landowners, are barred from entering parts of Israel's capital, a WND investigation has found.

The probe further determined the U.S. has been aiding the Palestinians in developing infrastructure in Jerusalem.

Also, it has emerged, the Israeli government has failed to stop Arabs from illegally building thousands of housing projects on Jerusalem land purchased and owned by a U.S. Jewish group for the express purpose of Jewish settlement, culminating in an Arab majority in the neighborhoods.  WND

Israeli scientists from Ben-Gurion University in Be’er Sheva have suggested a new type of 'peaceful' nuclear fuel which cannot be used to create nuclear weapons. The fuel could be exported to nations interested in producing nuclear power without fear that they could use it for a more sinister purpose.

Nuclear fuel with already enriched uranium can be purchased, but international regulations limit its sale since the spent nuclear fuel can be recycled for use in a nuclear weapon. The Israeli scientists suggest in their study that the element americium be added to the fuel at a level of 0.1 percent. According to their research, the addition would neutralize the spent fuel, making it unusable in a weapon.  Israel National News

Looks like US president Obama has finally proposed to Russia that they are willing to walk away from their planned European missile shield in exchange for halting Iran's long-range missile plans.  Although Russia is calling this a positive development, they have not shown interest as of yet that any deal with them would include Iran.  

President Obama is also sending two peace envoys to Syria in an attempt to improve relations with the two countries.  This will also improve US chances of restoring peace talks with the Palestinians.  US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is in Israel at this time attempting to reassure Jerusalem that they are inseparable partners and that they are dedicated to stopping Iran's nuclear ambitions.  But according to Mrs. Clinton,  the creation of a Palestinian state is "inescapable".  Palestinian infrastructure development in Jerusalem has already begun through US funding.  But one positive note, leaders from the Arab world have decided to take a stand and have said that they must unite to confront Iran's nuclear aspirations.  it will be interesting to see how far that goes in the future.

Israeli scientists have developed a way in which countries who are seeking nuclear power for non-weapons grade production to buy it from Israel.  Apparently, Israeli scientist have developed a new type of peaceful nuclear fuel which can not be used for creating weapons of mass destruction but works perfectly fine with developing nuclear power.  

Nuclear fuel with already enriched uranium can be purchased, but international regulations limit its sale since the spent nuclear fuel can be recycled for use in a nuclear weapon. The Israeli scientists suggest in their study that the element americium be added to the fuel at a level of 0.1 percent. According to their research, the addition would neutralize the spent fuel, making it unusable in a weapon.  Israel National News

Now that this fuel is available, Iran or any other country who wishes to develop nuclear power, have no reason to hide their ambitions from the world.  Personally, I don't see Iran or Syria jump at the chance to purchase this groundbreaking nuclear fuel.

Recently, I was reading another prophecy website where the author made the statement that the Antichrist does not necessarily have to sign a peace treaty with Israel.  According to Scripture, he may only confirm it (Daniel 9:27) and make it strong...meaning...his end may be to provide the muscle and the authority to make it stand in the eyes of the world.  I have to agree with his statement.  The Antichrist's part may only be to act as the world policeman who will cause the world to fall in line giving the treaty validity.

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Terry Malone

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