Israel Widens West Bank Assault, Egypt Trims Ties

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Wed Apr 3, 1:07 PM ET

By Christine Hauser

BETHLEHEM, West Bank (Reuters) - The Israeli army invaded two more West Bank towns on Wednesday and Egypt cut direct government contacts with Israel in a sign of rising Arab anger with the six-day-old offensive.

Israel has reoccupied a string of West Bank towns and villages since Prime Minister Ariel Sharon sent tanks to Ramallah on Friday, two days after a suicide bombing in Netanya killed 25 Israelis at the start of the Jewish Passover holiday.

Israel's campaign, which it says is intended to end suicide attacks and isolate Arafat, has deepened fears of all-out war and stoked anger across the Arab world. Palestinians say the aim is to topple Arafat and reoccupy Palestinian-ruled areas.


Egypt's cabinet decided to sever direct contacts with Israel's government but left vital diplomatic channels open.

"Government-to-government contacts are stopped. Diplomatic channels remain serve the Palestinian question and the issue of peace in the region," a senior Egyptian official said.

Egypt and Jordan are the only two Arab states to have signed peace treaties with Israel and both have maintained diplomatic ties with the Jewish state. Egypt withdrew its ambassador from Tel Aviv in November 2000 in protest at Israel's handling of the Palestinian uprising. Israel has kept its ambassador in Cairo.

In response to Cairo's move, an Israeli Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said: "At such a sensitive and problematic time, it would be better to strengthen ties, not reduce them." END

This is all designed to put pressure on Israel to sign the Saudi Plan. But Israel isn't that naive to believe that the Arab world is simply looking for a land for peace swap. They may say that they recognize Israel but that's only lip service. They fully intend to totally destroy Israel and won't be satisfied until every Jew is dead on the face of the earth. Anyone who denies that also believes that we should destroy all our nuclear warheads and trust our neighbors not to annihilate us. Peace comes through strength and that's the way it will always be even when Jesus reigns (rod of iron).

Israel is becoming the direct and indirect reason for almost all conflicts worldwide. Soon they will be looked upon as a liability that the world can live without.

This Middle East conflict is beginning to spill over into Europe. Jewish mosque's and temples are under attack. I see it getting a lot worse as the conflict continues. But I don't believe that suicide bombing will continue. But it may start hitting cities in the U.S. See how quickly we start striking out at the countries that harbor them.

This Middle East conflict is going to have a direct effect on the whole world. Osama Bin Laden attacked the U.S. for two main reasons: (1) He detests our wealthy culture and (2) because we were a close ally to Israel.

Look for Israel to continue their march through the West Bank and Gaza Strip until the U.S. demands that they leave. Also, look for the European Union to get involved in the peace negotiations in the near future.

Unlike what many on TV believe, this conflict will not go on for another 10 years. I believe it will be resolved before this year ends.

Pastor Malone

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